Rancher stuck in updating after try restore snapshot


I’m using Rancher 2.2.9 in production, and after a network issue i’am try to restore snapshot after include new healthy nodes.

But the crendentials of S3 was wrong, and now Rancher stucked in Updating status with this error message:

Failed to download etcd snapshot from s3, exit code [1]: time=“2020-07-06T15:12:02Z” level=fatal msg="failed to set s3 server: failed to check s3 bucket:rancherklinkbackup, err:Access Denied."

I don’t need anymore restore snapshot, but i don’t can cancel the restore process.

Thank You,



Any chance you found a solution to this?

You might find your cluster stuck in a restore process. If you edit/modify the cluster.yaml for that cluster, try removing the restore: true parameter and that should get it to stop trying to restore.