Rancher Tutorial Inconsistancy

Hello everyone,

I am new to using rancher, and I am actively trying to learn how to use it. I recently installed Rancher 2.6 on Ubuntu 20.04.

I have been trying to follow the tutorial, as listed on Rancher Docs: Workload with NodePort Quick Start. However, when in the section called “Deploying a Workload”, I hit a problem at Step 9.

That step instructs that “From the Publish the container port field, enter port 80”

On the GUI, there is not a field with that title to be found. There are two fields that can have a port number entered. Those are “Private Container Port” and “Listening Port”. I am uncertain which field is meant to have the port number entered, or if both are.

Can someone explain which field, or fields, I need to enter the port number for?

Thanking you all in advance for your help,
