Recommended way to setup multiple Redis Instances on same nodes

We heavily rely on REDIS for either caching layer, session management or permanent storage.
For that purpose we have 5 instances of redis running on different ports and each instance has it’s own eviction policy and memory limit policies.

what is a proper way of achieving the same deployment through Rancher. Previously we had redis installed on host systems and not inside the docker containers. I came across a few issues that people describe and mention that it was one worst idea that they did when they switched Redis instance to dockerized environment, but all articles were a little dated and I was hoping to see if anyone here has had different / positive experience of hosting redis in dockers?

Thank you.

I really dont see any issues where it would be “the worst idea”… do you have any info to back that up or the sources so we can understand what issues ppl had and if they have been so far solved?

In your case, if your configuration files are different I’d probably run a “master” container (Redis) with a data container for the config, therefore you have 5 different “config containers” and 1 Master container.

If you are doing replication (I assume you are) you may want to have a different setup for the initial masters, but it may not be necessary if you are using other rep strategies… We use redis for non persistent storage, so our experience hasnt been exactly like yours.

I thought some of it had to do with somaxconn being limited unless run as a privileged container but I never looked into any other complaints but the first articles on google that come up in search results are something like “why it was the most horrible idea to switch to redis on docker” and other similar articles, entire first google search results page filled with it.

different config container? what does that mean? container that stores config file and links to redis continaer that references this container that how nothing but the config? or is it not the way i understand it?