Restore Rancher 2.X from Backup


Docker on my machine with single-install Rancher 2 crashed. I have no containers, images, but have backup in accordance with this manual:

So, I have a file like: rancher-data-backup-v2.1-9.10.2019.tar.gz and fresh installation of docker. But when I try to restore Rancher from backup:

I have to type “rancher container name”

docker run --volumes-from <RANCHER_CONTAINER_NAME> -v $PWD:/backup
busybox sh -c "rm /var/lib/rancher/* -rf &&
tar zxvf /backup/rancher-data-backup-<RANCHER_VERSION>-.tar.gz

And do I really need a container name? I have no old containers becouse of docker crash. Is it really necessary to have old container with Rancher? It looks like a not very useful backup :frowning:

So what you need to do is create a new Rancher install and then run the restore. The Rancher backup doesn’t contain the actual Docker container, it’s just a backup of the app data.