there is a problem in the deployment using many disks.
I have 6 JBOD box with 60 disks each.
The deployment create 10 OSD in each server. But the 11th hang and after around 10 hours the deployment process finish with error:
Module function cephprocesses.wait executed
Deepsea version: deepsea 0.9.23+git.0.6a24f24a0
In all OSD servers I have the same message in the 11th disk:
[2019-11-18 20:29:42,576][ceph_volume.process][INFO ] Running command: /bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-61
[2019-11-18 20:29:42,580][ceph_volume.process][INFO ] Running command: /bin/systemctl enable ceph-volume@lvm-61-4bdfff79-105f-4ce8-ab96-f8866aa2021e
[2019-11-18 20:29:42,590][ceph_volume.process][INFO ] stderr Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ceph-volume@lvm-61-4bdfff79-105f-4ce8-ab96-f8866aa2021e.service â /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-volume@.service.
[2019-11-18 20:29:42,874][ceph_volume.process][INFO ] Running command: /bin/systemctl enable --runtime ceph-osd@61
It is the last message of the 11th disk.
I would be able to run the service manually. But I have more 300 disks. The deployment did not create all OSDs. It stopped in 11th.
It is weird that in the messages log appear exactly 10 times the message Unknown lvalue ‘LockPersonality’ in section ‘Service’ before deploy the 11th disk.
message repeated 10 times: [ /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-osd@.service:15: Unknown lvalue ‘LockPersonality’ in section ‘Service’]
It is not in one server. I have 6 OSD servers with the same behaviour.
It seems something is blocking the creation of many OSD. But it is not registered in any log.
By the way, the environment is:
Suse Enterprise 15 SP1
Suse Storage 6
deepsea 0.9.23+git.0.6a24f24a0
6xOSD servers each one direct attached with JBOD (60 disks) = 360 disks
The salt-run disks.report shows correctly all disks that needs be deployed.
The installation and deployment was strictly following Suse`s documentation.
At this moment I will remove all OSDs and deploy again without LockPersonality parameter in service file.
Thanks in advance for helping.
PS.: We have payed for 5 years support. But unfortunately Suse support is not treating this as a problem/bug. I hope someone in the community would be able to help.
Kind regards