SLES 12 HAE - fence_scsi not working


I’ve been trialing SLES 12 and HAE.
Setup consists of a 2node active-passive cluster with NFS.
Problem I have is that fence_scsi stonith agent doesn’t seem to work.

I’m getting an error

pengine[7241]:  warning: unpack_rsc_op_failure: Processing failed op start for storage-fence on fs009b: unknown error (1)

and crm status shows

storage-fence_start_0 on fs009a 'unknown error' (1): call=18, status=Error, last-rc-change='Wed Jun 17 00:51:40 2015', queued=0ms, exec=1093ms storage-fence_start_0 on fs009b 'unknown error' (1): call=18, status=Error, last-rc-change='Wed Jun 17 00:56:42 2015', queued=0ms, exec=1101ms

2015-06-17T01:34:29.156751+02:00 hrzgiufs009a stonithd[25547]: warning: log_operation: storage-fence:25670 [ ERROR:root:Failed: nodename or key is required ] 2015-06-17T01:34:29.156988+02:00 hrzgiufs009a stonithd[25547]: warning: log_operation: storage-fence:25670 [ ] 2015-06-17T01:34:29.157234+02:00 hrzgiufs009a stonithd[25547]: warning: log_operation: storage-fence:25670 [ ERROR:root:Please use '-h' for usage ] 2015-06-17T01:34:29.157460+02:00 hrzgiufs009a stonithd[25547]: warning: log_operation: storage-fence:25670 [ ]

The command fence_scsi works on the other hand:

fs009a:~ # fence_scsi -d /dev/mapper/mpath_test-3par -n fs009b -o off Success: Already OFF fs009a:~ # fence_scsi -d /dev/mapper/mpath_test-3par -n fs009a -o on Success: Already ON

I’m guessing fence_scsi running under corosync doesn’t get the key/nodename supplied.

Here’s some config:

# crm configure show node 739719956: fs009a \\ attributes maintenance=off standby=off node 739719957: fs009b \\ attributes maintenance=off standby=off primitive clusterIP IPaddr2 \\ params ip= cidr_netmask=25 \\ op monitor interval=10s timeout=20s \\ op stop interval=0s timeout=20s \\ op start interval=0 timeout=20s primitive fs_storage_test Filesystem \\ params device="/dev/mapper/mpath_test-3par_part1" directory="/TEST" fstype=ext4 \\ op monitor timeout=40 interval=20 \\ op start timeout=60 interval=0 \\ op stop timeout=60 interval=0 \\ meta target-role=Started primitive nfs-server systemd:nfsserver \\ op monitor interval=60 timeout=15 \\ op start interval=0 timeout=15 \\ op stop interval=0 timeout=15 primitive storage-fence stonith:fence_scsi \\ params action=off devices="/dev/mapper/mpath_test-3par" verbose=false \\ op monitor interval=60s timeout=0s \\ meta target-role=Started group nas-service clusterIP fs_storage_test nfs-server \\ meta target-role=Started location constraint-location-a nas-service 100: fs009a property cib-bootstrap-options: \\ dc-version=1.1.12-ad083a8 \\ cluster-infrastructure=corosync \\ cluster-name=fs009 \\ stonith-enabled=true \\ no-quorum-policy=stop \\ last-lrm-refresh=1434493344 rsc_defaults rsc-options: \\ resource-stickiness=100

[CODE]totem {
#The maximum number of messages that may be sent by one processor on receipt of the token.
max_messages: 20

    #The virtual synchrony filter type used to indentify a primary component. Change with care.
    vsftype:        none

    #Used for mutual node authentication
    crypto_cipher:  none

    #HMAC/SHA1 should be used to authenticate all message
    secauth:        on

    #How many token retransmits should be attempted before forming a new configuration.
    token_retransmits_before_loss_const:    10

    #How many threads should be used to encypt and sending message. Only have meanings when secauth is turned on
    threads:        16

    interface {
            #Network Address to be bind for this interface setting

            #The multicast port to be used
            mcastport:      5405

            #The ringnumber assigned to this interface setting
            ringnumber:     0

            #Time-to-live for cluster communication packets
            ttl:    1

    interface {
            #Network Address to be bind for this interface setting

            #The multicast port to be used
            mcastport:      5405

            #The ringnumber assigned to this interface setting
            ringnumber:     1

    #How long to wait for consensus to be achieved before starting a new round of membership configuration.
    consensus:      6000

    #To make sure the auto-generated nodeid is positive
    clear_node_high_bit:    yes

    #Used for mutual node authentication
    crypto_hash:    none

    #The mode for redundant ring. None is used when only 1 interface specified, otherwise, only active or passive may be choosen
    rrp_mode:       active

    #How long to wait for join messages in membership protocol. in ms
    join:   60

    #This specifies the name of cluster
    cluster_name:   fs009

    #Timeout for a token lost. in ms
    token:  5000

    #The only valid version is 2
    version:        2

    #Transport protocol
    transport:      udpu

nodelist {
node {
#ring0 address
ring0_addr: fs009a

    #ring1 address
    ring1_addr:     fs009a-2

    node {
    #ring0 address
    ring0_addr:     fs009b

    #ring1 address
    ring1_addr:     fs009b-2


logging {
#Log to a specified file
to_logfile: no

    #Log timestamp as well
    timestamp:      on

    #Facility in syslog
    syslog_facility:        daemon

    logger_subsys {
            #Enable debug for this logger.

            debug:  on

            #This specifies the subsystem identity (name) for which logging is specified

            subsys: QUORUM

    #Log to syslog
    to_syslog:      yes

    #Whether or not turning on the debug information in the log


I’ve found this issue here:

Any idea?


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Ok, so let’s try and revive the topic…

The problem is definitely that the resource expects a node/key parameter.
With the nodename param supplied, crm doesn’t complain:

primitive storage-fence stonith:fence_scsi \\
        params action=off devices="/dev/mapper/mpath_test-3par" verbose=false nodename=fs009b \\
        op monitor interval=60s timeout=0s

But now I don’t understand how to setup fencing itself.
Shouldn’t the nodename be derived from the cluster setup and used with stonith performing the unfencing?

This example from RHEL doesn’t require any additional params:

Any help appreciated!

Hi vobelic,

[QUOTE=vobelic;28550]Ok, so let’s try and revive the topic…

The problem is definitely that the resource expects a node/key parameter.
With the nodename param supplied, crm doesn’t complain:

primitive storage-fence stonith:fence_scsi \\
        params action=off devices="/dev/mapper/mpath_test-3par" verbose=false nodename=fs009b \\
        op monitor interval=60s timeout=0s

But now I don’t understand how to setup fencing itself.
Shouldn’t the nodename be derived from the cluster setup and used with stonith performing the unfencing?

This example from RHEL doesn’t require any additional params:

Any help appreciated![/QUOTE]

well, configuring the host name as you described in your working example does qualify to me as “derived from the cluster setup” :wink:

By their nature, Stonith agents may be responsible for multiple hosts… so I’d only see the chances to either ask the agent for the hosts it can kill, or specify these in the CIB.

I decided to set up stonithing by configuring a Stonith resource per cluster member, make these clonable and add a constraint per resource so that no host may commit suicide. Works fine for me so far. Every cluster node has active stonith resources for the other hosts, but not for itself.
