SLES 12 /var/run

Couple of Questions:

  1. why was the run dir moved from /var/run to /run ? Also I noticed that the permissions will reset on a reboot for this dir if I change them (debugging ) Any other Dir’s do this ?

  2. I have setup a service for a compiled version of memcached (as suse doesn’t provide it) and I have the PID set for /var/run/memcached which is actually /run/memcached that I created. Now on a reboot this dir disappears - what’s going on ?

  1. Not sure why the change, but…

  2. /run is a tmpfs (temporary) filesystem, kind of like /dev/shm or
    /sys/fs/cgroup on my SLES 12 box. Since /var/run is a symlink to /run, it
    to is tmpfs which basically means it’s a RAM drive, thus lost on a reboot.

My guess is that you should either recreate that directory when needed, or
just ignore the memcahed directory entirely and put the PID directly in
/run or /var/run directly. You could also put the PID somewhere else,
like /var/pid (does not exist on my box, but could).

This all assumes you do not create a native systemd service definition for
memcached so that everything is handled that way.

Good luck.

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On 06/24/2015 11:04 AM, cisaksen wrote:[color=blue]

Couple of Questions:

  1. why was the run dir moved from /var/run to /run ? Also I noticed
    that the permissions will reset on a reboot for this dir if I change
    them (debugging ) Any other Dir’s do this ?

  2. I have setup a service for a compiled version of memcached (as suse
    doesn’t provide it) and I have the PID set for /var/run/memcached which
    is actually /run/memcached that I created. Now on a reboot this dir
    disappears - what’s going on ?


Info on the change…

(you could also say systemd… if you like)