So what are you doing during the Covid-19 stay at home orders?

[{“insert”:“I’ll start this off by
learning binary options”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:"
“},{“insert”:“playing with my cat”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“relearning to cook”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“learning the new forum”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“continuing to have a lot of fun with OpenSuse”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”

[{“insert”:“Still working (but limited)… “},{“insert”:{“emoji”:{“emojiChar”:”?”}}},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:"
“},{“insert”:“Built a raised bed vegetable garden (My Wife and Son are responsible for populating etc.)”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“Helping out with the openSUSE Forum move.”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“Like everyone else getting use to the new SUSE Forum “},{“insert”:{“emoji”:{“emojiChar”:”?”}}},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”

[{“insert”:“Playing with home automation (node-red, MQTT, Zwave, and Homekit)”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:"
“},{“insert”:“Learning Tekton pipelines and building buildpacks to use them”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“Watching way too many movies with my wife. Finally caved and got Disney+ for at least a month or two”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
"},{“insert”:"Trying to workout without a gym and find motivation to stay less out of shape than I could be “},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”

I know all about 4 perhaps a pin up from the cover of Men’s Health Magazine would help. Yeah you know you could Photoshop your face on it and go from there.


[{“insert”:“Junking on Spotify”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:"
“},{“insert”:“Netflix, Prime Youtube”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“Bought a new bike and trying to get fit”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“Oh the beers, so many beers :D”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“Uploaded a new forum with my team and getting to know everyone”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”
“},{“insert”:“Evangelizing SUSE and openSource to the world”},{“attributes”:{“list”:{“depth”:0,“type”:“ordered”}},“insert”:”

Working. Ah, the wonders of the Internet! In the old days, it was through POTS and a modem. Either way, we only went to the client’s location if an on-site presence was necessary. So the Chinese flu really hasn’t had much effect at BCS Technology.

Learning New Things, Including Dancing and Playing Guitar.

I wish I could play the guitar! But i can only play the Sax :smiley:

Guitar is not difficult to play, if you would try it out it will become easy for you. YouTube will give you every course for free.