Software installoation/removal tips needed

I have dowloaded the program, phpMyAdmin 4.0.7 (for purposes of administering MySQL for a PHP Shopping Cart/CMS I’m fond of), and seem to be unable to install it; YaST is what I’m resigned to in that instance, and when it arrives at the point of “conflict” asking me to proceed at the risk of some “dependencies” problem or “break” it, I chicken out.

What I would prefer is to install it via the terminal. I cannot seem to find the correct command to succeed. At this point, I would prefer to develop my install routines from the terminal exclusively, and I could use some “standard tips” to accomplish this.

Not having had these issues before with my old Linux distro (Fedora 9), I’m going to have to sort of start over when it comes to SLES. It is worth taking my lumps though, I can tell it’s the basis of an extremely stout Internet Server.

Also, I feel I should remove YaST for the time being, but I’m not sure how to accomplish this either.

Regards, tarzy

OK, I didn’t look deep enough, but this is exactly what YaST says too, and I confess this all may have arrived as as result of trying a “1-click install” from a site which basically chose an older version for me, and when doing it, it added openSUSE repositories, and could also be a version expressly intended for that OS. Looks like I’ve got some housecleaning to do!

linux-2u6o:~ # zypper install phpmyadmin 4.0.7
Refreshing service ‘nu_novell_com’.
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
‘4.0.7’ not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of ‘4.0.7’ found.
Resolving package dependencies…

Problem: nothing provides pwgen needed by phpMyAdmin-4.0.5-1.8.1.noarch
Solution 1: do not install phpMyAdmin-4.0.5-1.8.1.noarch
Solution 2: break phpMyAdmin-4.0.5-1.8.1.noarch by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c):

BTW, I chose “1” for now. Direct downloads (only 1 so far: phpMyAdmin 4.0.7 from the original site) seem to be placed in my “/” directory.

At least now I know about using the CLI to install. Maybe I’ll try to remove it this way. (didn’t work as there are “no providers”)

linux-2u6o:~ # zypper remove phpmyadmin
Refreshing service ‘nu_novell_com’.
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
Package ‘phpmyadmin’ is not installed.
‘phpmyadmin’ not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of ‘phpmyadmin’ found.
Resolving package dependencies…

Nothing to do.

I’ll bet Newbies are a PITA around here!


[QUOTE=tarzy;16677]I have dowloaded the program, phpMyAdmin 4.0.7 (for purposes of administering MySQL for a PHP Shopping Cart/CMS I’m fond of), and seem to be unable to install it; YaST is what I’m resigned to in that instance, and when it arrives at the point of “conflict” asking me to proceed at the risk of some “dependencies” problem or “break” it, I chicken out.

What I would prefer is to install it via the terminal. I cannot seem to find the correct command to succeed. At this point, I would prefer to develop my install routines from the terminal exclusively, and I could use some “standard tips” to accomplish this.

Not having had these issues before with my old Linux distro (Fedora 9), I’m going to have to sort of start over when it comes to SLES. It is worth taking my lumps though, I can tell it’s the basis of an extremely stout Internet Server.

Also, I feel I should remove YaST for the time being, but I’m not sure how to accomplish this either.

Regards, tarzy[/QUOTE]

On 10/03/2013 10:04 AM, tarzy wrote:[color=blue]

I have dowloaded the program, phpMyAdmin 4.0.7 (for purposes of
administering MySQL for a PHP Shopping Cart/CMS I’m fond of), and seem
to be unable to install it; YaST is what I’m resigned to in that
instance, and when it arrives at the point of “conflict” asking me to
proceed at the risk of some “dependencies” problem or “break” it, I
chicken out.[/color]

You could always download the .tar.gz version and extract it to
/srv/www/htdocs and that may work too. Dependencies won’t be
found/reported, but if you’re an Apache/PHP/MySQL guru then you can
probably work through those yourself by following the phpMyAdmin docs on
what it requires to run properly.

What I would prefer is to install it via the terminal. I cannot seem to
find the correct command to succeed. At this point, I would prefer to
develop my install routines from the terminal exclusively, and I could
use some “standard tips” to accomplish this.

Not having had these issues before with my old Linux distro (Fedora 9),
I’m going to have to sort of start over when it comes to SLES. It is
worth taking my lumps though, I can tell it’s the basis of an extremely
stout Internet Server.[/color]

In Fedora you probably had ‘yum’ for installs. In SUSE-land we have
‘zypper’, and previously had ‘rug’ (don’t run it). I assume you’re on
SLES 11 so use zypper just like you would with yum:


zypper in /path/to/phpmyadmin-whatever-version.rpm

This, too, will tell you about dependencies and such. It may help if you
post what is wrong so we can comment on the validity of whatever. Usually
dependencies are worth noting and following, but if this package was not
built for SLE 11 then it may be looking for package names that are off a
bit. zypper can help you find resolutions to dependencies just like Yast,
assuming that resolutions are possible vi current repositories as
configured in your system (Yast: Software: Software Repositories, or
zypper lr).

Also, I feel I should remove YaST for the time being, but I’m not sure
how to accomplish this either.[/color]

Um… no. Yast is great because, on the backend, it’s running commands
most of the time, so leave it alone. If you really do not want it then go
ahead and try to remove it, but I would not recommend doing so unless
you’re really, really sure and experienced in Linux-land.

Okay, I am guessing that you found this phpmyadmin RPM from the Open Build
Service (OBS) at which is great. You have a
few options to make this all easier.

  1. You can point your server to the repository which hosts the phpMyAdmin
    (and hopefully dependencies, like pwgen) RPM. Doing so means you do not
    need to download the RPM separately but can instead just run:


zypper in phpmyadmin

  1. You can download dependencies, like pwgen, from OBS as well. When you
    do this you can then point to both RPMs using the zypper command and it
    should allow you to move forward:


zypper in /path/to/phpmyadmin-whatever.rpm /path/to/pwgen-whatever.rpm

Good luck.