SUSE How do I view what processes are running?

Because some process CPU usage is high, I want to know what the process is executing?

Same as any Linux distribution… ‘ps’ or ‘top’.


ps aux

Good luck.

Use “top” or “ps aux” only to see what process CPU utilization is relatively high, but can not see the CPU usage is high, the process doing now? I want to see the process of internal information, there are ways to do?

Hi andyleigood,

Use “top” or “ps aux” only to see what process CPU utilization is relatively high, but can not see the CPU usage is high, the process doing now? I want to see the process of internal information, there are ways to do?

use strace (to monitor interaction with the system - “s” stands for systemcalls) or gdb (option “-p” to attach to the process) to have a look at the process internals.


Thank you Jens.
use strace or gdb ,I get very detaile information.