As long as I’ve been at this place (16 years) we’ve never tracked
“uptime” (or down time if you prefer). Now I’m supposed to. So my
question for you is whether the common practice is to track just
unexpected down time or include scheduled maintenance/upgrade down time.
Or do you track those two things separately?
Typically unscheduled downtime is what people care about, since that
actually impacts users. This should be avoided via clustering of some
sort in most cases, but when that is not available and there is an outage
then it is a full, customer-impacting outage.
After that, scheduled downtime (maintenance) can be useful to track for
internal reporting purposes. How much overtime needs to be paid to
employees for after-hours maintenance? How many nodes are needed in the
high-availability clusters to avoid unscheduled downtime? These are all
related, so tracking this can be useful.
Good luck.
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Aaron’s smart. I’d listen to him.
Yea, my first thought was why not track both?
Kim - 1/12/2015 9:22:22 AM
On 1/12/2015 10:22 AM, kgroneman wrote:[color=blue]
Aaron’s smart. I’d listen to him.
Yea, my first thought was why not track both?
My supervisor was telling me to report both with the same graph; I was
looking for just what Aaron suggested (thank you, Aaron!) - a precedent
or standard that separates reporting planned and unplanned down time.
And LOOK HOW RESTRAINED I AM when I mention my supervisor. I think that
calls for chocolate.
Hey Mary Wood:
I think that calls for chocolate.[/color]
Doesn’t everything?
Kim - 1/12/2015 2:26:06 PM
You forgot the vanilla burning candles to spread the smell success.
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Hey Sewermonger:
You forgot the vanilla burning candles to spread the smell success.[/color]
Kim - 4/20/2015 8:36:42 AM