Trouble connecting to Route53


The fact that route53 tried to update the provider (“to update provider with new DNS record”) indicates that:

  • we were able to retrieve hosted zone on initial start (otherwise the container would have failed to start)
  • we were able to reach metadata and get Rancher data.

But then subsequent update request failed due to dns resolution failure. Can it be due to some network flakiness? Does it keep on happening, or was it a one time failure?

Route53 health check periodically checks connectivity to aws, and reports failures if the connection can’t be established.

To answer your questions:
Can it be due to some network flakiness? I suppose. I’ll leave it running and see if things settle down. But then the

Does it keep on happening, or was it a one time failure? The route53 container has never run successfully for me, so I suppose my answer is that it continues to fail.

Btw, route53 is the DNS I use for the rancher server and for another service I run behind a load balancer in the same rancher environment were I"m trying to run route53. I don’t constantly try to ping route53 bur

@ebishop we had a bug in rancher internal dns (which is used by route53) that got recently fixed:

It could have caused “No route to host” error on your setup