Unable install SLED15-SP1 Software Updates

There is really something funky going one, are you in a position to raise a Support Request?



There is really something funky going one, are you in a position to raise a Support Request?<\/p>”,“bodyRaw”:[{“insert”:"Hi
There is really something funky going one, are you in a position to raise a Support Request?
i have got no support.Just the cheap 50,- SLED License. “},{“insert”:{“emoji”:{“emojiChar”:”?”}}},{“insert”:”


OK, but you should get at least one, can you check via your SCC account and see if can create one?



OK, but you should get at least one, can you check via your SCC account and see if can create one?<\/p>”,“bodyRaw”:[{“insert”:"Hi
OK, but you should get at least one, can you check via your SCC account and see if can create one?

the scc site says that i am not allowed to use the support system.

[{“attributes”:{“bold”:true},“insert”:“Never, never choose “ignore”!”},{“insert”:" => You land in the “rpm dependency hell”. By choosing “ignore” you can break your system.
SUSE beginners should work with YAST for software installation and deinstallation:\


yast2 sw_single\

1.) Remove all software packages from the “ffmpeg family” which came in from SUSE PackageHub, like ffmpeg*, libav* and libsw*
Register “Anzeigen” => Repositorys
"},{“insert”:{“embed-external”:{“data”:{“url”:“https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/uploads\/642\/51KBCRNJP9WI.png”,“name”:“Yast2_repositories.png”,“type”:“image\/png”,“size”:234636,“width”:1341,“height”:683,“mediaID”:356,“dateInserted”:“2020-05-09T08:40:06+00:00”,“insertUserID”:15392,“foreignType”:“embed”,“foreignID”:15392,“embedType”:“image”,“format”:null,“bodyRaw”:null},“loaderData”:{“type”:“image”}}}},{“insert”:"Or perform a “downgrade” by:
Register “Suchen” => Tab “Versionen”
"},{“insert”:{“embed-external”:{“data”:{“url”:“https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/uploads\/293\/QF5AUMKDITCR.png”,“name”:“Yast2_Versions.png”,“type”:“image\/png”,“size”:268283,“width”:1422,“height”:716,“mediaID”:358,“dateInserted”:“2020-05-09T08:50:38+00:00”,“insertUserID”:15392,“foreignType”:“embed”,“foreignID”:15392,“embedType”:“image”,“format”:null,“bodyRaw”:null},“loaderData”:{“type”:“image”}}}},{“insert”:"2.) Install libavformat57, libavcodec57 and libavutil55 from official SUSE rpm sources (not SUSE Package Hub!).
You should install:\

rpm -qa |grep -i libav\


rpm -qa |grep -i libsw\


rpm -qa |grep -i ffm\

=> no output!

3.) Check your whole software package installation => see my comment at “May 6 2020”
4.) Bring your software installation up-to-date under GNOME with gpk-update-viewer (aka “Paketaktualisierung”).
5.) Follow the instructions:


Never, never choose “ignore”!<\/strong> => You land in the “rpm dependency hell”. By choosing “ignore” you can break your system.<\/p>

<a href=“https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Dependency_hell” rel=“nofollow”>https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Dependency_hell<\/a><\/p>

SUSE beginners should work with YAST for software installation and deinstallation:<\/p>

# su<\/p>

# yast2 sw_single<\/p>

1.) Remove all software packages from the “ffmpeg family” which came in from SUSE PackageHub, like ffmpeg*, libav* and libsw*<\/p>

Register “Anzeigen” => Repositorys<\/p>

<a href=“https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/uploads\/642\/51KBCRNJP9WI.png” rel=“nofollow”>https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/uploads\/642\/51KBCRNJP9WI.png<\/a><\/p>

Or perform a “downgrade” by:<\/p>

Register “Suchen” => Tab “Versionen” <\/p>

<a href=“https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/uploads\/293\/QF5AUMKDITCR.png” rel=“nofollow”>https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/uploads\/293\/QF5AUMKDITCR.png<\/a><\/p>

2.) Install libavformat57, libavcodec57 and libavutil55 from official SUSE rpm sources (not SUSE Package Hub!).<\/p>

You should install:<\/p>

# rpm -qa |grep -i libav<\/p>








# rpm -qa |grep -i libsw<\/p>



# rpm -qa |grep -i ffm<\/p>

=> no output!<\/p>

3.) Check your whole software package installation => see my comment at “May 6 2020”<\/p>

4.) Bring your software installation up-to-date under GNOME with gpk-update-viewer (aka “Paketaktualisierung”). <\/p>

5.) Follow the instructions:<\/p>

<a href=“https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/discussion\/10190\/problem-with-playing-video-files” rel=“nofollow”>https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/discussion\/10190\/problem-with-playing-video-files<\/a><\/p>”,“bodyRaw”:[{“attributes”:{“bold”:true},“insert”:“Never, never choose “ignore”!”},{“insert”:" => You land in the “rpm dependency hell”. By choosing “ignore” you can break your system.
SUSE beginners should work with YAST for software installation and deinstallation:\


yast2 sw_single\

1.) Remove all software packages from the “ffmpeg family” which came in from SUSE PackageHub, like ffmpeg*, libav* and libsw*
Register “Anzeigen” => Repositorys
"},{“insert”:"Or perform a “downgrade” by:
Register “Suchen” => Tab “Versionen”
"},{“insert”:"2.) Install libavformat57, libavcodec57 and libavutil55 from official SUSE rpm sources (not SUSE Package Hub!).
You should install:\

rpm -qa |grep -i libav\


rpm -qa |grep -i libsw\


rpm -qa |grep -i ffm\

=> no output!

3.) Check your whole software package installation => see my comment at “May 6 2020”
4.) Bring your software installation up-to-date under GNOME with gpk-update-viewer (aka “Paketaktualisierung”).
5.) Follow the instructions:
"}],“format”:“Rich”,“dateInserted”:“2020-05-09T08:57:24+00:00”,“insertUser”:{“userID”:15392,“name”:“Andreas”,“photoUrl”:“https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/6e9544c0027af8a13b54a40932b134b1\/?default=https%3A%2F%2Fvanillicon.com%2F30edd57221705486efa1c8be430c3caf_200.png&rating=g&size=200”,“dateLastActive”:“2020-05-09T10:06:24+00:00”},“displayOptions”:{“showUserLabel”:false,“showCompactUserInfo”:true,“showDiscussionLink”:false,“showPostLink”:false,“showCategoryLink”:false,“renderFullContent”:false,“expandByDefault”:false},“url”:“https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/discussion\/comment\/59956#Comment_59956”,“embedType”:“quote”},“loaderData”:{“type”:“link”,“link”:“https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/discussion\/comment\/59956#Comment_59956”}}}},{“insert”:"Thank you but…
why do i have to do this ?
i dont need that support for videos in firefox.
I paid an enterprise linux, so i dont have to care about that things.
when they provide an package via an repo that makes a problem with an security patch, so they have to fix that. Not i.
… So i tried your way to see what happens:
hydra:\/usr\/src\/packages\/SOURCES # rpmbuild -ba --clean ffmpeg.spec
error: Failed build dependencies:
       pkgconfig(vpx) >= 1.3.0 is needed by ffmpeg-3.4.2-4.27.1.x86_64
libvpx-devel was missing in your list.


[{“insert”:"It is at your own responsibility, if you install an unsupported software package (ffmpeg, libavfilter6).
You do not receive any support from SUSE for this unsupported software packages from SUSE Package Hub! This unsupported software packages blocks the security updates of some official supported software packages like libavcodec and libavformat.
From SUSE Package Hub web site:
<< SUSE Approved
While the packages from the SUSE Package Hub are not officially supported by SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server remains supported and supportable when using these packages. >>
Why did you install this unsupported ffmpeg software packages from SUSE Package Hub? If you don’t need support for playing videos in Firefox, remove this packages from SUSE Package Hub, remove the SUSE Package Hub repositories as install source and forget step 5) in my comment.
Before you install any software package in an enterprise linux, you should check the support level of this software package!
Each official supported software package has an information included about the support level from SUSE. You will see the support level in YAST2-Software. See chaptre 4.1 “Support Statement for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop” in SLE administration guide under chaptre “About this guide” for more information about support level:


It is at your own responsibility, if you install an unsupported software package (ffmpeg, libavfilter6). <\/p>

You do not receive any support from SUSE for this unsupported software packages from SUSE Package Hub! This unsupported software packages blocks the security updates of some official supported software packages like libavcodec and libavformat.<\/p>

From SUSE Package Hub web site:<\/p>

<< SUSE Approved <\/p>

While the packages from the SUSE Package Hub are not officially supported by SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server remains supported and supportable when using these packages. >><\/p>

Why did you install this unsupported ffmpeg software packages from SUSE Package Hub? If you don’t need support for playing videos in Firefox, remove this packages from SUSE Package Hub, remove the SUSE Package Hub repositories as install source and forget step 5) in my comment. <\/p>

Before you install any software package in an enterprise linux, you should check the support level of this software package!<\/p>

Each official supported software package has an information included about the support level from SUSE. You will see the support level in YAST2-Software. See chaptre 4.1 “Support Statement for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop” in SLE administration guide under chaptre “About this guide” for more information about support level:<\/p>

<a href=“https:\/\/documentation.suse.com\/” rel=“nofollow”>https:\/\/documentation.suse.com\/<\/a><\/p>”,“bodyRaw”:[{“insert”:"It is at your own responsibility, if you install an unsupported software package (ffmpeg, libavfilter6).
You do not receive any support from SUSE for this unsupported software packages from SUSE Package Hub! This unsupported software packages blocks the security updates of some official supported software packages like libavcodec and libavformat.
From SUSE Package Hub web site:
<< SUSE Approved
While the packages from the SUSE Package Hub are not officially supported by SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server remains supported and supportable when using these packages. >>
Why did you install this unsupported ffmpeg software packages from SUSE Package Hub? If you don’t need support for playing videos in Firefox, remove this packages from SUSE Package Hub, remove the SUSE Package Hub repositories as install source and forget step 5) in my comment.
Before you install any software package in an enterprise linux, you should check the support level of this software package!
Each official supported software package has an information included about the support level from SUSE. You will see the support level in YAST2-Software. See chaptre 4.1 “Support Statement for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop” in SLE administration guide under chaptre “About this guide” for more information about support level:
"}],“format”:“Rich”,“dateInserted”:“2020-05-09T12:13:27+00:00”,“insertUser”:{“userID”:15392,“name”:“Andreas”,“photoUrl”:“https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/6e9544c0027af8a13b54a40932b134b1\/?default=https%3A%2F%2Fvanillicon.com%2F30edd57221705486efa1c8be430c3caf_200.png&rating=g&size=200”,“dateLastActive”:“2020-05-09T12:00:51+00:00”},“displayOptions”:{“showUserLabel”:false,“showCompactUserInfo”:true,“showDiscussionLink”:false,“showPostLink”:false,“showCategoryLink”:false,“renderFullContent”:false,“expandByDefault”:false},“url”:“https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/discussion\/comment\/59959#Comment_59959”,“embedType”:“quote”},“loaderData”:{“type”:“link”,“link”:“https:\/\/forums.suse.com\/discussion\/comment\/59959#Comment_59959”}}}},{“insert”:"thank you for your help.
i just thought that all repos come with SLED are fully supported.
with kind regards.