[QUOTE=carnold6;26659]So, on a completely different SLES 12 install, the exact same thing happens when creating a VM. Here is the log:
libxl: debug: libxl_create.c:1362:do_domain_create: ao 0x7f91b001a0f0: create: how=(nil) callback=(nil) poller=0x7f91b0012b50
xc: error: xc_alloc_hypercall_buffer: mmap failed (11 = Resource temporarily unavailabl): Internal error
libxl: error: libxl.c:570:libxl_list_domain: geting domain info list: Resource temporarily unavailable
libxl: error: libxl.c:314:libxl__domain_rename: unexpected errorchecking for existing domain
libxl: error: libxl_create.c:762:initiate_domain_create: cannot make domain: -5
libxl: error: libxl_dm.c:1494:kill_device_model: unable to find device model pid in /local/domain/1/image/device-model-pid
libxl: error: libxl.c:1507:libxl__destroy_domid: libxl__destroy_device_model failed for 1
libxl: debug: libxl_event.c:1591:libxl__ao_complete: ao 0x7f91b001a0f0: complete, rc=-3
libxl: debug: libxl_create.c:1376:do_domain_create: ao 0x7f91b001a0f0: inprogress: poller=0x7f91b0012b50, flags=ic
libxl: debug: libxl_event.c:1563:libxl__ao__destroy: ao 0x7f91b001a0f0: destroy
xc: debug: hypercall buffer: total allocations:34 total releases:33
xc: debug: hypercall buffer: current allocations:1 maximum allocations:3
xc: debug: hypercall buffer: cache current size:2
xc: debug: hypercall buffer: cache hits:31 misses:2 toobig:1
This is only with Xen and Xen tools installed (no KVM)[/QUOTE]
OK, not sure if this fixed it or not but i turned off apparmor and rebooted the server. Then i was able to create a VM