Verifying Running Live Patch

EDIT, 20240820: Typo in SLES version corrected.

We are running SLES 12SP5. Recently, we startet with Live Patch. After installing a Kernel Update with included kgraft-package uname -a gives:

... (6108cdd/lp-9357a75) ...

I guess “lp” is for “live patch” as systems w/o live patch don’t show this part.

How can I check which Kernel Live Patch version this ID corresponds to? I didn’t find anything searching for:

  • 6108cdd/lp-9357a75
  • lp-9357a75
  • 9357a75
    both with and w/o quotation marks.

uname doesn’t know about kGraft. Do kgr patches or zypper se kgraft give you something that you can search Live Patching: Current Patches for Linux Enterprise Systems | SUSE ?

Thank you very much for your answer! Pls, excuse me for answering that late in return.

The commands you recommended are used on a regular basis, thank you!

I was wondering about the meaning of the difference in the output comming from uname -a. If I use uname -a on a server patched w/o using live patches I get:

Linux <SERVER-0> 4.12.14-122.222-default #1 SMP Tue Jul 9 16:14:33 UTC 2024 (6108cdd) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

On another server where we use live patches we get:

Linux <SERVER-1> 4.12.14-122.222-default #1 SMP Tue Jul 9 16:14:33 UTC 2024 (6108cdd/lp-9357a75) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Do I understand your answer correctly that there is no significance to this difference?

Otherwise I would be interested in what information I could get from the additional part in the output on a system running live patches.

Thanks again!