VMguest paused


I have 2 VMGuest, i already rebooted gracefuly my server, but one of my guests is still paused, how can i resume it. I aready tryied also virsh resume but didnt work. Some Idea? It never hapend before, And I dont know very much about suse machines

I dont know if one of my users can chash my server like this, if this is possible hw can i know wh did this? And restore wht this user did. PS: my users have root permitions and tha users is for 3 different people.

-I know that is bad form to make a server, But I didnt make it, and this is my responsability now, unfortunatly…

Hi kezacp,

what OS / hypervisor is the host machine running, you indicated “SLES Other” when opening this thread? And how do you see that the guest is paused, do you by chance have some CLI status you can show?

Do the users have root permission on the host server, or just in the VMs?



The users hava root permition, they have the password to make sudo in the user.

And I see that the VM is paused becauser of virsh list. One is running normaly and the other is paused, even if i do virsh resume this dont come back.

The vms is also suse. I did the reboot many times to see if this will work. But it didnt work.

Please, how can i do that :frowning:

Hi keziacp,


The users hava root permition, they have the password to make sudo in the user.[/QUOTE]

while it is currently less important, I was asking if this is true for the host server as well, or only for inside the VMs.

[QUOTE=keziacp;29788]And I see that the VM is paused becauser of virsh list. One is running normaly and the other is paused, even if i do virsh resume this dont come back.

The vms is also suse.[/QUOTE]

But please tell us which SUSE you’re talking about, especially on the host machine (posting the output of “cat /etc/SuSE-release” will help to identify). And which Hypervisor you’re using - since you say SUSE is your OS, is could be Xen or KVM…

If you’re running Xen VMs on SLES12, please give the output of “xl list -v”. If Xen on SLES11SPx, make that the output of “xm list-l”. In case of KVM, use according commands. “virtsh” provides an abstraction level that cuts off many pieces of information needed to assist you…



The disk is full.

I need to do a backup the data to free the disk again.

I have 2 disks of 180G, one is my application and the other is the data.

And the one with data is full.

But is that possible be this reason? The status of the Virtual machine change to paused because of full space?