VNC - Multiple Connections with same User-Id not working


I have activated VNC on our Linux-Server with the following /etc/xinetd.d/vnc Config-File

service vnc1
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = nobody
server = /usr/bin/Xvnc
server_args = -noreset -inetd -once -query localhost -geometry 1600x970 -depth 16 -securitytypes none
port = 5901

When I am now starting two VNC-Sessions (“vncviewer :1”) and login with different user-id (e.g. “root” and “oracle”) from a Windows 7 Client machine both VNC-Sessions working right. But, when I am trying to connect two times with the same user-id (e.g. “root”) the second VNC-Session crashes and the VNC-Viewer closes without any comment. Under SuSE 11 it works right, starting two VNC-session with the same user-id is no problem.

Has anybody an idea how to fix the problems ?

Thx in advance.


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Hello maennel1,

Welcome to the SUSE forums.

The first thing any of our forum volunteers will need to know in order to help you is the software version you are using. Please run this command and post the results.

cat /etc/*release

Any error messages would also help. Please look in /var/log/messages.

On 19/06/17 18:34, KBOYLE wrote:

The first thing any of our forum volunteers will need to know in order
to help you is the software version you are using. Please run this
command and post the results.


 cat /etc/*release


From the web forum I can see the version tag for the thread is SLES12
SP1 (remember those tags don’t show up via NNTP).

Any error messages would also help. Please look in /var/log/messages.[/color]

Given that SLES12 SP2 is currently the latest release available (SLES12
SP3 is in beta) I would try duplicating it with that then report back here.


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[QUOTE=smflood;38364]From the web forum I can see the version tag for the thread is SLES12
SP1 (remember those tags don’t show up via NNTP).[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that. It’s good to know.

As you know, most of the Knowledge Partners use NNTP so that was a valid question.

I am posting this via the web interface but do not see any tags unless I view the Page Source.

Am I missing something?

On 20/06/17 20:24, KBOYLE wrote:

smflood;38364 Wrote:[color=green]

From the web forum I can see the version tag for the thread is SLES12
SP1 (remember those tags don’t show up via NNTP).[/color]

Thanks for that. It’s good to know.

As you know, most of the Knowledge Partners use NNTP so that was a valid

I’m one who reads and posts via NNTP but I’ve learnt to check certain
forums to see if posts were tagged with versions.

I am posting this via the web interface but do not see any tags unless I
view the Page Source.

Am I missing something?[/color]

So the version tag is shown when viewing the overview list of posts in a
forum i.e. .
It’s not immediately obvious when viewing a specific thread such as this
although I now see it in the bread crumbs “Forum > PRODUCT DISCUSSIONS >
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server > SLES Configure-Administer > SLES 12 sp1
VNC - Multiple Connections with same User-Id not working” below green
SUSE Forums banner.


SUSE Knowledge Partner

If you find this post helpful and are logged into the web interface,
please show your appreciation and click on the star below. Thanks.

[QUOTE=smflood;38397]On 20/06/17 20:24, KBOYLE wrote:

I am posting this via the web interface but do not see any tags unless I
view the Page Source.

Am I missing something?[/COLOR]

So the version tag is shown when viewing the overview list of posts in a
forum i.e. .
It’s not immediately obvious when viewing a specific thread such as this
although I now see it in the bread crumbs “Forum > PRODUCT DISCUSSIONS >
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server > SLES Configure-Administer > SLES 12 sp1
VNC - Multiple Connections with same User-Id not working” below green
SUSE Forums banner.

it’s also in the window title (prefixed to the actual thread title), which avoids scrolling :slight_smile:


[QUOTE=jmozdzen;38492]it’s also in the window title (prefixed to the actual thread title), which avoids scrolling :slight_smile:


Yes, I see it on the tab. That’s not the first place I would look when viewing a post. But we digress.

I don’t have any ideas how I can help [COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]maennel1[/FONT][/COLOR]. Are you able to offer any suggestions?

[QUOTE=KBOYLE;38508]But we digress.

I don’t have any ideas how I can help [COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]maennel1[/FONT][/COLOR]. Are you able to offer any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Nothing that is backed by experience with Xvnc.

“same user” and “window manager” triggers an uneasy feeling with me, knowing that many resources are opened and potentially not all may have been secured against parallel access. Some are tied to the DISPLAY used (i.e. via an individualized file name), but a counter-example would be Firefox databases, where the second FF invocation would leave the user with a “read-only” version of much of the browser interface and I remember having had no bookmarks with earlier FF versions under these circumstances.

But again, I’ve not used this combo Xvnc and xinetd (and the thread-opener didn’t mention the window manager, my guess would be Gnome), and I typically advise against using parallel log-ins anyhow. So nothing really helpful from my side, else I’d already have given an answer earlier on :wink:

Hm, there’s one question/advice I may offer: Do the logins provide output via ~/.xsession-errors-? If so, running a "tail -F ~/.xession-errors\" may provide some insight to what is happening after the second login that causes the Xvnc session to terminate. If no such output is created, use Xvnc’s “-Log” parameter to send debug output to syslog.
