What is the the max. size of a partition could be created?

Hi All,

I just setup a SUSE11 SP2 server on a Dell r720 XD server. It has 24 HDs with 900GB each. I used Raid 6. So there are about 18 TB total. I world like to create a partition about 17 TB to keep the data.
I need suggestion to help me for this.

Any suggestion will be welcome.


Have a look at this site:


This looks to be a very good comparison of the different filesystem characteristics, and should help you decide what filesystem is best going to work for you.

As an aside, in future please make sure you post using a consistent font - this post is very difficult to read, and for users who use the NNTP gateway, it comes through as unicode and is completely unreadable. :slight_smile:


[QUOTE=LikeAsk;6609]Hi All,
I just setup a SUSE11 SP2 server on a Dell r720 XD server. It has 24 Hds withh 900GB each. I used RAID6. So there are about 18TB total. I would like to create a partition about 17TB to keep the data. I need suggestion to help me for this.

Not sure what formatting you used, but it came out all strange via nntp… Can you check you posting preferences?

In answer to your question, look here https://www.suse.com/documentation/sles11/singlehtml/stor_admin/stor_admin.html at the section called "Table 1.2. Maximum Sizes of Files and File Systems (On-Disk “Format)”

[QUOTE=hendersj;6610]Have a look at this site:


This looks to be a very good comparison of the different filesystem characteristics, and should help you decide what filesystem is best going to work for you.

As an aside, in future please make sure you post using a consistent font - this post is very difficult to read, and for users who use the NNTP gateway, it comes through as unicode and is completely unreadable. :slight_smile:


Thank you.

Thank you.