in reference of this post [Rancher Server eat all disk Space]
I purged mysql but it still takes a lot of space and made sure expire_logs_days is set to 2 days.
it was an upgrade
in reference of this post [Rancher Server eat all disk Space]
I purged mysql but it still takes a lot of space and made sure expire_logs_days is set to 2 days.
it was an upgrade
At some point this situation will become problematic, Because it keep growing, Anyone experiencing this ?
there’s not such things as “RTFM”
after one week we’re still having this issue, mysql is still growing fast
Can you try running this command to see which tables are the largest?
ROUND((data_length+index_length)/power(1024,2)) AS tablesize_mb,
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema='cattle'
ORDER BY tablesize_mb DESC;
SELECT ROUND((data_length+index_length)/power(1024,2)) AS tablesize_mb,table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=‘cattle’ ORDER BY tablesize_mb DESC;
| tablesize_mb | table_name |
| 7248 | process_execution |
| 852 | instance_label_map |
| 659 | instance |
| 302 | label |
| 209 | image |
| 157 | volume |
| 143 | nic |
| 142 | config_item_status |
| 113 | service_expose_map |
| 97 | port |
| 79 | instance_link |
| 44 | agent |
| 40 | credential |
| 27 | process_instance |
| 25 | account |
| 12 | task_instance |
| 7 | load_balancer_target |
| 4 | audit_log |
| 1 | external_handler_external_handler_process_map |
| 0 | ip_association |
| 0 | physical_host |
| 0 | external_handler_process |
| 0 | offering |
| 0 | ip_address_nic_map |
| 0 | task |
| 0 | external_handler |
| 0 | subnet |
| 0 | ip_address |
| 0 | subnet_vnet_map |
| 0 | network_service_provider_instance_map |
| 0 | external_event |
| 0 | storage_pool_host_map |
| 0 | storage_pool |
| 0 | network_service_provider |
| 0 | environment |
| 0 | snapshot_storage_pool_map |
| 0 | instance_host_map |
| 0 | network_service |
| 0 | dynamic_schema |
| 0 | snapshot |
| 0 | credential_instance_map |
| 0 | network |
| 0 | data |
| 0 | mount |
| 0 | setting |
| 0 | image_storage_pool_map |
| 0 | container_event |
| 0 | load_balancer_listener |
| 0 | host_label_map |
| 0 | service_event |
| 0 | host_vnet_map |
| 0 | load_balancer_host_map |
| 0 | host_ip_address_map |
| 0 | service_consume_map |
| 0 | config_item |
| 0 | host |
| 0 | service |
| 0 | cluster_host_map |
| 0 | zone |
| 0 | load_balancer_config_listener_map |
| 0 | healthcheck_instance_host_map |
| 0 | resource_pool |
| 0 | load_balancer_certificate_map |
| 0 | certificate |
| 0 | volume_storage_pool_map |
| 0 | load_balancer_config |
| 0 | project_member |
| 0 | load_balancer |
| 0 | auth_token |
| 0 | healthcheck_instance |
| 0 | vnet |
| 0 | global_load_balancer |
| 0 | ip_pool |
| 0 | agent_group |
| 0 | user_preference |
| 0 | generic_object |
so what do you think ?
We added some cleanup for the DB awhile ago, but I was just confirming which tables were being cleaned up. It looks like process_execution
is not currently in the list and already a known bug.
Sorry, hit enter accidentally. Here’s the bug:
Also, this will end up growing if you have a service reconciliation issue (meaning you have a service that failed and is continually trying to go).
It does not seems there’s a service who keeps restarting, is there a way to chase it through few hosts ?
Is there a way to track a restarting service through several host ? because I can’t see any flapping services
Once it is found is there a way to recover the space ?
You can check the process tab on the Admin to see if anything is restarting there.
In the most recent versions of Rancher (v0.59.0+), the process_execution table should be automatically cleaned up.
once we tracked and fixed all the restarting/unhealthy services, put shorter process_instance , optimized the tables like proposed here :, we’re still getting short on space, If you have other solutions or work around it’s welcome
Please, make sure you do a backup before proceeding.
I believe your issue could be related to this: check the size of your database files.
In relation to logs, rotate them or simply send the log to a volatile output. Also you can use data volumes, it should not consume more space than it would normally do outside a container.
The alternatively would be maybe have your database in a virtual machine outside of your Rancher environment, with master-to-master replication for better performance/reliability.