Hi all,
I’m new to rancherOS, and trying to build a production grade environment.
I’m booting VM images on our Proxmox clusters and using PXE boot to boot rancher.
label DevNet-3
kernel rancherOS/vmlinuz printk.devkmsg=on rancher.password=rancher rancher.cloud_init.datasources=[‘url:’]
append initrd=rancherOS/initrd
This does boot the VM just fine, and I can see that Rancher does pull the cloud-config.yml file, however it’s not executed. The default password is set to rancher, but the SSH-Key I’ve put in the cloud-config is not set.
If I run the same cloud-config.yml file using ros install -c cloud-config.yml -d /dev/sda then all works great.
Any help to debug/fix this would be great.