1.6.28 support/compatibility matrix for infrastructure services

we recently upgraded our rancher server from version 1.6.12 to version 1.6.28. Below are some details:

OS: ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Docker: 17.09-ce
Rancher Server: 1.6.28
Rancher Agent: 1.2.11

After upgrading, as required by the release notes on https://github.com/rancher/rancher/releases/tag/v1.6.28, we upgraded the infrastructure services and the agents.
However, we noticed that rancher is not showing us an “update available” message on the following infrastructure services (in fact it trats them as “Up to date”):

NFS stack: we are using rancher/storage-nfs:v0.9.1 while the most recent is rancher/storage-nfs:v0.9.7
VXLAN stack:
cni-driver service: we are using rancher/net:v0.13.1 while the most recent is rancher/net:v0.13.17
vxlan service: we are using rancher/net:holder while the most recent is rancher/net:v0.13.17
vxlan-router service: we are using rancher/net:v0.11.9 while the most recent is rancher/net:v0.13.17

I was wondering if anyone had any idea about this and if it is safe to upgrade the above services.
Otherwise, is anyone already running rancher server version 1.6.28 with rancher/storage-nfs:v0.9.7 for NFS and rancher/net:v0.13.17 for all VXLAN services?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards