About software channel sync

I’m deploying SUSE Manager4.0, I’m in trouble?
I’m syncing SUSE channels, I looked at the file /var/log/rhn/reposync/

2020/06/24 06:50:56 +08:00 Command: [’/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync’, ‘–channel’, ‘sle-manager-tools12-pool-x86_64-sp3’, ‘–type’, ‘yum’, ‘–non-interactive’]
2020/06/24 06:50:56 +08:00 Sync of channel started.
2020/06/24 06:51:04 +08:00 RepoMDError: Cannot access repository. Maybe repository GPG keys are not imported

This problem occurs in many documents?
I can’t find the right solution. I hope you can help me? :slight_smile:

Error syncing the channel

And in the repository configuration did you add the gpg key? From memory, (I’m still on 3.x series) I wound up just running the command from the cli to add/import where it asked to import the key.

As in the command you see in the logs…
/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync', '--channel', 'sle-manager-tools12-pool-x86_64-sp3', '--type', 'yum'