Assigning Static IPs to Harvester VMs

I have a Harvester cluster. I want to create 3 VMs. The VMs will be part of a Kubernetes cluster. For this, the VMs need constant IPs, which causes issues with the mgmt cluster network which insists on giving a new IP to VMs on restart.

Currently, I do the following:

- Set node specs
- Choose VM image (openSUSE)
- Set network options (use bridge, not masquerade)
- Add cloud config for static IP.

However, when the VM is created, it is still assigned an IP by harvester.

Cloud Config:

  version: 1
    - type: physical
      name: eth0
        - type: static

Harvester will nonetheless provide another IP address to the VM, and the VM will not be accessible on either of the 2 IPs.

If it’s relevant, I installed the harvester-vm-dhcp-controller addon for allocating IPs in my LAN to VMs in Harvester. However, the issue persists whether the addon is enabled or not.

I have also created VM networks, both DHCP and manual, but there is no change.

Which Harvester version? Some related issues to consider: 5452 and feature 5052

version 1.3.1

I got it to work, for the most part. I also learnt a bit more about networks in Harvester. So, now I have a new VM network called rancher with manual IPs which I set in the route tab ( w/ gateway)

When I create the VM, I leave the mgmt network as it is and then add the new rancher network. When the VM is created, ssh to the IP I set gives a “no route to host” error. ssh to the IP given by the mgmt network gives the same. I figure that at this point this is an issue with my own configuration of the network.

To better troubleshoot, I created a test network with DHCP instead of static IPs. In this case, the VM does get an IP from the mgmt network, which I can use to ssh to the VM from the host harvester node (I can’t use the test-network IP to ssh into the VM, though that’s acceptable for me)

After going through everything, I think it’s acceptable to be assigned a mgmt IP as without it, the I can’t ssh into the VM from the host. Just, as long as I have a static IP somewhere in there for static inter-VM networking.

This is the cloud config used now for the static IP:

  version: 1
    - type: physical
      name: eth0
        - type: static
    - type: nameserver