Azure SLES 11 SP4 for SAP it is missing on the Market place

Hi I was using this image, but now is missing, some body know why?.


[QUOTE=ediazrod;39980]Hi I was using this image, but now is missing, some body know why?.


We SUSE never published a SLES 11 SP4 For SAP image, the only SAP related image we published would have been an image for SAP-CAL, i.e. the SAP Cloud Appliance Library. These images are primarily intended to be used by SAP for integration with the Cloud Appliance Library.

So if you are referring to the SAPCAL image then that image falls under our life cycle policy [1] and thus obsolete images eventually go away. The good news is there is a replacement image that can be found with “pint” [2].



I am refering this image:

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 for SAP Cloud Appliance Library
image name:
Azure: b4590d9e3ed742e4a1d46e5424aa335e__suse-sles-11-sp4-sapcal-v20161024
Mooncake: 250d269906be4694a10aee49a3385f2d__suse-sles-11-sp4-sapcal-v20161024
publisher: SUSE
sku: 11-SP4
version: 2016.10.24

This imagen are obsolete?.

What will be the new image?. it is a SLES 11 SP4? for SAP?

Now there is not any image of SLES11 in the market place. ¿?

Thanks for the repply.
