Can't add a host on my enviroment

Environment information

  • Rancher version ( rancher-server/v1.6.17 rancher-agent/v1.2.10 )
  • Installation option (single install):
  • Proxy on a laboratory network from esxi.

Cluster information

  • Cluster type (Custom):
  • Machine type (VM) (1 vCPU/ 1 vCore / 2GB RAM):
  • Kubernetes version ( -bash: kubectl: command not found ):

Docker version

 Version:       17.12.1-ce
 API version:   1.35
 Go version:    go1.9.4
 Git commit:    7390fc6
 Built: Tue Feb 27 22:10:31 2018
 OS/Arch:       linux/amd64

  Version:      17.12.1-ce
  API version:  1.35 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:   go1.9.4
  Git commit:   7390fc6
  Built:        Tue Feb 27 22:10:31 2018
  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
  Experimental: false


Hi, I’ve been trying to install a siem utility (SIEMonster) which contains a series of tools, including Rancher.

When adding a host this shows a correct output of the command, however in the docker logs it remains in a loop in the following error:

time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="Launching agent"
time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="Detecting cloud provider"
time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="Listening for events on"
time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="launching hostapi"
time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="Starting event router."
time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=0 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="Serialize compute requests: false, driver: overlay2"
time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="Initializing event router" workerCount=250
time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="Connection established"
time="2019-05-03T07:56:20Z" level=info msg="Starting websocket pings"
time="2019-05-03T07:56:21Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=1 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:22Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=2 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:23Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=3 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:24Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=4 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:25Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=5 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:26Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=6 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:27Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=7 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:28Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=8 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:29Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=9 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:30Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=10 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:31Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=11 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:32Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=12 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:33Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=13 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44
time="2019-05-03T07:56:34Z" level=info msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=14 reportedUuid=0e4f067c-3f32-489b-4f5e-dc9e5daa4c44

I have searched for many solutions but none of them manages to make it work and the host appears in the graphical interface. Would someone know what I could do?

The command that I used to aggregate the host to rancher is the next:

sudo docker run -e CATTLE_AGENT_IP=""  -e CATTLE_HOST_LABELS='makara=1'  --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.10