Certificate is not yet valid


I’m trying to go into the update section in yast and keep getting the error message:
Certificate is not yet valid message.

I have changed the server name and domain, is that causing my error?

Regards Boz

This is likely caused by the system date and time not being correct.
Verify that you have NTP set up correctly with the YaST module.

[QUOTE=favogt;35420]This is likely caused by the system date and time not being correct.
Verify that you have NTP set up correctly with the YaST module.[/QUOTE]

I got a cert error during the initial boot and registration due to clock not being set.

Initial boot should probably do dhcp and then ntpdate and then ask for the registration code.

It seems the clock doesn’t keep the time even if I just reboot it with power still applied which was a surprise to me. (Guess I got what I paid for and it wasn’t a computer with an RTC)

I did this hack to get around ntpd not wanting to set the time. I had configured ntp with the Yast GUI but still had to run ntpdate manually.

pi3:~ # cat /etc/init.d/after.local
#! /bin/sh

Copyright (c) 2010 SuSE LINUX Products GmbH, Germany. All rights reserved.

Author: Werner Fink, 2010


script with local commands to be executed from init after all scripts

of a runlevel have been executed.

Here you should add things, that should happen directly after

runlevel has been reached.

systemctl stop ntpd
sleep 3
ntpdate us.pool.ntp.org
sleep 3
systemctl start ntpd