I’m creating my PXE boot server for a mass deploy of SLED 12. I have already set up my server with dhcp server, tftp server and installation server to do this Job. I create a SLED .raw image on suse studio and i’m setting up some parameters for first boot installation.
In web page documentation there is a reference to a script that I have to edit run_all.sh after copy my initrd, to call the preload image that I want to use. But I can’t find this script !
Anyone know why?
URL: https://www.suse.com/documentation/sled-12/book_sle_deployment/data/sec_autokiwi_pxe.html
[I]Unpack the previously copied initial RAM file system with the command:
zcat …/initrd | cpio -i
Edit the file run_all.sh.
Search for the following line, delete it and the rest of the file:
[ “$debug” ] && echo preping 21-nfs.sh
Add the following lines to the end of the files run_all.sh:
[ “$debug” ] && echo preping 92-install.sh
[ “$debug” ] && echo running 92-install.sh
source boot/92-install.sh
[ “$modules” ] && load_modules
Create a new script boot/92-install.sh with the following content:
if [ “$(get_param rawimage)” ]; then
rawimage=$(get_param rawimage)
if [ “$(get_param rawdevice)” ]; then
rawdevice=$(get_param rawdevice)
echo “wget -O ${rawdevice} ${rawimage}”
wget -O ${rawdevice} ${rawimage}
sleep 5
echo “DONE”
/bin/poweroff -f[/I]