Ctr pull failing with rke2 1.28.3 & 1.28.6

I am using ctr to load a tar file of an image that’s built with podman

Issue : while pulling image inside worker node using ctr I am getting below exception

Warning Failed 52s (x2 over 3m38s) kubelet Failed to pull image “registry.com/ns/hdfs-ha:3.3.6”: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = failed to pull and unpack image “registry.com/ns/hdfs-ha:3.3.6”: failed commit on ref “layer-sha256:deb31c2f446ee706f321158228e0e84951db8d9a5d7b7997fc91b903568b1a6d”: “layer-sha256:deb31c2f446ee706f321158228e0e84951db8d9a5d7b7997fc91b903568b1a6d” failed size validation: 2778225664 != 1389112832: failed precondition
Warning Failed 52s (x2 over 3m38s) kubelet Error: ErrImagePull

Also this issue is inconsistent , we are seeing this issue after upgarde from k8 1.25 to k8 1.28

worker config :
worker1 Ready 3d20h v1.28.6+rke2r1 xxx.xxx.xx.xx Oracle Linux Server 8.8 5.15.0- containerd://1.7.11-k3s2

ctr version : 1.7.11-k3s2
Image size : 3.01 GB

Please let me know if any details required to help me on this issue .