Dedicated k8s-cluster for rancher or part of existing k8s-cluster

We do have an on-premise k8s-cluster on which we run our services/containers. Using Rancher to administrate this cluster is a very exciting option for us, especially because it allows to administrate multiple k8s-clusters which gives us the option to eventually expand to a cloud-provider.
Having said that, we are curious about the best-practice of running Rancher.

  • Does Rancher usually run on the same k8s-cluster where the “other” services/containers run?
  • Is is recommended to set-up a dedicated k8s-cluster on which Rancher runs and then having another k8s-cluster for the “other” services/containers (administrated by Rancher)?

You can run Rancher on any existing kubernetes cluster, have a look on this post:

Regarding your questions:

  • Does Rancher usually run on the same k8s-cluster where the “other” services/containers run?

→ No, but it could

  • Is is recommended to set-up a dedicated k8s-cluster on which Rancher runs and then having another k8s-cluster for the “other” services/containers (administrated by Rancher)?

→ Yes, we do it.