/dev/disk/by-uuid/ not exist (uuid correct)


I tryed to install my first Suse Enterprise Linux on a physikal server. Till yesterday I only installed Suse on vitual maschines.
We bought a SLES License and I wont to install SLES 12 SP1.

The server is a Dell R730 with a hardware Raid 1 (Dell Perc H730 Mini) and during install suse find the disk.

I already tried the install wth the Dell Livecycle Controller (because of the driver) and without(no success with both ways).

During the setup suse find all components and the install finished without any errors

When I now boot the system grub starts normal and I can choose to start suse.
But then i got the following
[3.935648] i8042: No controller found
[3.963069] Couldn’t get size: 0x800000000000000e

[126.703261] dracut-initqueue[545]: Warning: Cencelling resume operation. Device not found

and after some time :
Starting Dracut Emergency Shell…
Warning: /dev/disk/by-uuid/35257cea-cab3-4ca8-a0ec-09b3b253821c does not exist
Warning: Boot has failed. To debug this issue add “rd.shell ed.debug” to the kernel command line

dracut-initqueue[545] Could not Boot
dracut-initqueue[545] Warning: /dev/disk/by-uuid/35257cea-cab3-4ca8-a0ec-09b3b253821c does not exist
dracut-initqueue[545] Job for dracut-emergency-service failed. See Systemctl status dracut-emergency.service" and " jounalctl -xn for details
dracut-initqueue[545] Warning: not all disks have been found
dracut-initqueue[545] You might want to regernerate your initframs

We have UEFI and Secure boot enabled and the setup installed the /boot/efi partiotion automaticlly .

I already looked at the grub.conf and the fstab and I think everything is fine.


Yesterday I searched the whole day for a fix but without success.

Is a possible error, that suse load the driver for the disk to late ?

Sorry for my bad english. Hope someone can help me with that…



On 12/22/2016 03:24 AM, epytir wrote:[color=blue]

I tryed to install my first Suse Enterprise Linux on a physikal server.
Till yesterday I only installed Suse on vitual maschines.
We bought a SLES License and I wont to install SLES 12 SP1.

The server is a Dell R730 with a hardware Raid 1 (Dell Perc H730 Mini)
and during install suse find the disk.

I already tried the install wth the Dell Livecycle Controller (because
of the driver) and without(no success with both ways).

During the setup suse find all components and the install finished
without any errors

When I now boot the system grub starts normal and I can choose to start
But then i got the following
[3.935648] i8042: No controller found
[3.963069] Couldn’t get size: 0x800000000000000e[/color]

If for some reason the system cannot find a drive controller, that would
certainly make the rest of the problems possible, though that would also
seem to imply a separate controller and disk for /boot from the main
filesystem, and that just seems unlikely. Maybe the initrd is not happy,
and has a different driver from the main system’s filesystem, though that
seems backwards too.

Since this is a new install, is there any reason you have not used SLES 12
SP2 (vs. SP1)? Installers improve with SPs, so maybe that will have a
better time with your setup.

Good luck.

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show your appreciation and click on the star below…

[QUOTE=ab;35797]On 12/22/2016 03:24 AM, epytir wrote:[color=blue]

I tryed to install my first Suse Enterprise Linux on a physikal server.
Till yesterday I only installed Suse on vitual maschines.
We bought a SLES License and I wont to install SLES 12 SP1.

The server is a Dell R730 with a hardware Raid 1 (Dell Perc H730 Mini)
and during install suse find the disk.

I already tried the install wth the Dell Livecycle Controller (because
of the driver) and without(no success with both ways).

During the setup suse find all components and the install finished
without any errors

When I now boot the system grub starts normal and I can choose to start
But then i got the following
[3.935648] i8042: No controller found
[3.963069] Couldn’t get size: 0x800000000000000e[/color]

If for some reason the system cannot find a drive controller, that would
certainly make the rest of the problems possible, though that would also
seem to imply a separate controller and disk for /boot from the main
filesystem, and that just seems unlikely. Maybe the initrd is not happy,
and has a different driver from the main system’s filesystem, though that
seems backwards too.

Since this is a new install, is there any reason you have not used SLES 12
SP2 (vs. SP1)? Installers improve with SPs, so maybe that will have a
better time with your setup.

Good luck.

If you find this post helpful and are logged into the web interface,
show your appreciation and click on the star below…[/QUOTE]


I installed SP1 because its the recommended Version in the Dell documentation. In the livecycle controller i can only chose SP1.

I will try to install SP2 without the livecycle controller now and hope that this will work better.

The Server only have the Raid 1 for the OS all other data will be installed on a volume from our filesystem.

The Setp of SLES 12 SP2 doesnt start. It stops at initial Ramdisk.

I called the Dell support and they say without the livecycle thats normal because the setup did not find the correct driver …
I hope they can help me.
If someone has any idear I will be very happy if Dell can fix the problem I will post the fix here.