dhcpd won't start from script

We have a lot of remote sites and if there has been and outage, sometimes dhcp doesn’t come up when the server restarts and users are unable to login - it would be nice to clear up this problem automatically.

I have a script which (supposedly) tests whether dhcpd is running. The script is running as root but it will not start dhcpd. If I substitute another service (httpstkd for example) the script works as expected. Obviously, if run from the command line the service starts as expected. What am I missing?

The sites are a mixture of SLES10 sp2 and sp3.


#Defined variables
LOGDATE=$(date +"%d%m%Y")

echo “This script will check to see if the $SERVICE1 is running. If it is not running this script will start the process. This script will also log the event and email $EMAIL1,$EMAIL2.”

#Check to see if log file exists already, if not create log.
if [ -e $LOG ]
then echo “Log exists”
else touch $LOG ; echo “Log file $LOG created”

#Write header to log.
echo -e “-------------------------$SERVICE1 Service Check Log $LOGDATE-------------------------”>>$LOG

#Check to see if this process has already failed.
if [ -e /var/log/dhcpd_down ]
then echo $(date) “Looks like DHCP has already failed to start, $HOST will stop spamming now”>>$LOG

#Check to see that dhcpd process is running.
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep dhcpd > /dev/null 2>&1

echo -e $(date) “$SERVICE1 service is running.”>>$LOG

#If service is not running try to restart and send email notification.
touch /var/log/dhcpd_down
echo -e $(date) “Sending Email Notice that $SERVICE1 is not running to $EMAIL1,$EMAIL2”>>$LOG
echo -e $(date) “$SERVICE1 is not running, attempting to restart $SERVICE1 now…”>>$LOG
echo -e $(date) “$HOST $SERVICE1 is not running! attempting to restart” | mail -s “$HOST $SERVICE1 is down.” $EMAIL1,$EMAIL2

/etc/init.d/dhcpd start

#Import last 15 lines from /var/log/messages to help with troubleshooting.
echo -e $(date) “Importing last 15 lines from /var/log/messages to $LOG now… \r \r From /var/log/messages:”>>$LOG
tail -15 /var/log/messages>>$LOG
echo -e “End /var/log/messages”>>$LOG
echo -e “\r”>>$LOG

#Check to see that service started correctly and send email notification.
ps ax | grep -v grep | grep dhcpd > /dev/null 2>&1
echo -e $(date) “$SERVICE1 started successfully”>>$LOG
echo -e $(date) “Sending Email Notice that $SERVICE1 restarted successfully $EMAIL1,$EMAIL2”>>$LOG
echo -e $(date) “$HOST $SERVICE1 has been restarted successfully” | mail -s “$HOST $SERVICE1 restarted” $EMAIL1,$EMAIL2
rm /var/log/dhcpd_down

#If service failed to start send email notification.
echo -e $(date) “$SERVICE1 failed to restart”>>$LOG
echo -e $(date) “Sending Email Notice for $SERVICE1 restart failed $EMAIL1,$EMAIL2”>>$LOG
echo -e $(date) “$HOST $SERVICE1 restart failed!” | mail -s “$HOST $SERVICE1 restart failed” $EMAIL1,$EMAIL2

#Import last 15 lines from /var/log/messages to help with troubleshooting.
echo -e $(date) “Importing last 15 lines from /var/log/messages to $LOG now… \r \r From /var/log/messages:”>>$LOG
tail -15 /var/log/messages>>$LOG
echo -e “End /var/log/messages”>>$LOG
echo -e “\r”>>$LOG

ls -t /var/log/dhcpd_*.log | awk ‘NR>5 {system(“rm “” $0 “””)}’


#end script


what’s both the script output and dhcpd syslog messages in case starting from script fails?

Is that a c&p of the script? Your rather longish “if” condition around line 35 makes reading it rather troublesome… what’s the intention of that code block?


Thanks Jens, apologies for taking so long to respond to you – been having fun with other more pressing problems.

I’ve managed to get the script working in any case, by replacing the following line (35)

#Check to see that dhcpd process is running.
#if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep dhcpd > /dev/null 2>&1
if /etc/init.d/dhcpd status 2>&1 >/dev/null

