On 12/18/2012 8:15 AM, Rudolf Thilo wrote:
Hi Hamish,
I’m wondering, whether I should drop a feature request at the
developers forum of Autoit, to implement “non-blocking sockets” as
well. As I have no clue, how you did that trick: Would you mind to
share the source, so that I could point them to your code to see, how
it’s done / how much work this might be?[/color]
The code is quick and dirty, but you/they are welcome to it. It’s below,
in it’s entirety, at the end of this post.
One feature that might be nice would be the option to specify the
protocol as well, e.g. UDP:69, or icmpv4:8 [1 → PING][/color]
UDP I could add fairly easily, icmp would require using raw sockets
(which I’ve no idea on and no references to look at, but will see what I
can find), or possibly do-able using the icmp.dll - I’ll look into it
when I have time.
But this is just an idea, not something I currently need (and,
honestly, I have no clue at all, how much work these features might be)[/color]
program chkPort;
// Input: chkport-ip [timeout]
// Output: Text message + Errorlevel
// 0 if we connect,
// 1 if we timeout,
// 2 if we get a socket failure,
// 3 for an invalid address.
uses sockets,inetaux,strutils,winsock2,sysutils;
ConSock : LongInt;
sAddr : TInetSockAddr;
timeout : dword;
result : boolean;
procedure setnonblockingsocket( s : integer );
nb : dword;
nb := 1; // 1 = nonblocking, 0 = blocking
winsock2.ioctlsocket( s , FIONBIO , @nb );
function is_writable_socket( sck : integer; timeout : dword ) : boolean;
fds : tfdset;
tv : timeval;
result : boolean;
fd_zero( fds );
fd_set( sck , fds );
tv.tv_sec := timeout div 1000;
tv.tv_usec := timeout mod 1000;
// select (socket+1 , read , write , except , timeout) - wait
// “timeout” to see if data can be written to “socket” without
// blocking
result := select( sck + 1 , nil , @fds , nil , @tv ) > 0;
is_writable_socket := result;
// create a socket, die if we fail
ConSock := Socket(af_inet, sock_stream, 0);
if ConSock = -1 then begin
writeln('Could not open socket: ');
else begin
// make it non-blocking
// if timeout defined use it, otherwise default to 2 secs
If paramcount >= 3 then Timeout := numb2dec(paramstr(3),10)
else timeout := 2000;
// fill in the socket info - protocol, address, port
with sAddr do begin
Family := af_inet;
Port := htons(numb2dec(paramstr(2),10));
Addr := StrToAddr(paramstr(1));
// die if we can’t turn the address into something useable
If saddr.Addr = 0 then begin
writeln('Could not resolve ',paramstr(1));
// otherwise try to connect
Result := (fpConnect(ConSock, @sAddr, sizeof(sAddr)) = 0);
// and see if it become writeable in the time allowed
result := result or is_writable_socket(consock, timeout);
// close the socket
Shutdown(ConSock, 2);
// and report results
If result then writeln(‘Port listening’)
else begin
Writeln(‘Port not listening’);