Email Notification of Rancher Monitoringv2.5.9 is not working

We have tried to use notifier service in Rancherv2.5.9 monitoring stack enable from cluster explorer.
We have tried to work with email, MS Teams, SMS which are not working.

For this, we have used outlook account and enabled pop and IMAP settings and then used the SMTP hostname with port 587 for tls.
SMTP setting:
Server name:
Port: 587
Encryption method: STARTTLS

And then we have configured receivers by providing the email id in receiver, sender, username and provided the password which is used to login email_id:

And then we have configured routes and added this email as a receiver for it.

Saved the form, but couldn’t find the alerts firing at the email receiver.
Also, there was no error found anywhere.

Please help me with the email receiver. Thanks in advance!

Rancher Notification docs.
Unable to add more references because it says new users cannot put more than 1 link.