Enabling LTSS support

I have “Long Term Service Pack Support” for my SUSE Linux 15 SP5 systems. Now I’m trying to register the LTSS extension with SUSEConnect.

How can I install the LTSS extension on my system. It seems, that the LTSS extension is not installed or available on my system.

I do not find any useful information in the web.

Thank’s for any help on this.
Best regards,

Please see support TID 7011670 - https://www.suse.com/support/kb/doc/?id=000018004


Thank you for your fast answer. I have already seen this TID and the documentation under
SLES 15 SP4 | Upgrade Guide | Lifecycle and support (suse.com)

It’s says: Make sure the LTSS extension is available for your system:

That’s’ my problem. How can I install this extension. I cannot find it on my system or elsewhere.

@Roland1 with something like SUSEConnect -p SLES-LTSS/15.4/x86_64 -r ADDITIONAL REGCODE if you run SUSEConnect --list-extensions it will show the command to run and add LTSS on your system.

Hi malcolmlewis1,

Thank you for your help. I was abel to register with the version SLES-LTSS/15.4/x86_64. Strange thing. I have SP5 installed but with SLES-LTSS/15.5/x86_64 it is not working “no product found”.

Best regards,

@Roland1 that would be correct as LTSS is not defined yet for SLE 15 SP5 https://www.suse.com/lifecycle/#suse-linux-enterprise-server-15

I suspect at the end of this year before it’s defined…