I am facing exactly the same problem with my HP machine with vfat filesystem for /boot
If I ignore this and try to get updated to SP4, after registration SP4-pool, SP4-updates etc do not appear in the list of repositories and hence
update to SP4 doesn’t happen.
How to resolve this problem? How do I update to SP4?
I am facing exactly the same problem with my HP machine with vfat
filesystem for /boot
If I ignore this and try to get updated to SP4, after registration
SP4-pool, SP4-updates etc do not appear in the list of repositories and
update to SP4 doesn’t happen.
How to resolve this problem? How do I update to SP4?[/color]
So you currently have SLED11 SP3? How are you upgrading to SP4? What
does “zypper products” report?
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At one point I had trouble in applying all the patches (the grub patch), which now has got resolved.
Still I am unable to upgrade to SP4. Apparently the migration product got installed, but the repositories
of SP4 are not added. Please see the outputs of zypper pd below:
linux:~ # zypper pd
Refreshing service 'nu_novell_com'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Repository | Internal Name | Name | Version | Arch | Is Base
i | @System | SUSE_SLED-SP4-migration | SUSE_SLED Service Pack 4 Migration Product | 11.3-1.4 | x86_64 | No
i | @System | SUSE_SLED | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 | 11.3-1.201 | x86_64 | Yes
i | @System | sle-sdk | SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4 | 11.4-1.55 | x86_64 | No
v | SLED11-SP3-Pool | SUSE_SLED | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 | 11.3-1.95 | x86_64 | No
After this suse_register and zypper ref were executed. The output of zypper lr after this looks like:
linux:~ # zypper lr
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh
1 | ATI-Driver-HP-BNB-SLE11-SP3 | ATI-Driver-HP-BNB-SLE11-SP3 | No | No
2 | ATI-Driver-SLE11-SP4 | ATI-Driver-SLE11-SP4 | Yes | Yes
3 | HP-BNB-Dedicated-Update-Channel | HP-BNB-Dedicated-Update-Channel | Yes | No
4 | nVidia-Driver-SLE11-SP3 | nVidia-Driver-SLE11-SP3 | No | No
5 | nVidia-Driver-SLE11-SP4 | nVidia-Driver-SLE11-SP4 | Yes | Yes
6 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP1-Pool | SLE11-SDK-SP1-Pool | No | Yes
7 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP1-Updates | SLE11-SDK-SP1-Updates | No | Yes
8 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP2-Core | SLE11-SDK-SP2-Core | No | Yes
9 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP2-Updates | SLE11-SDK-SP2-Updates | No | Yes
10 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP3-Pool | SLE11-SDK-SP3-Pool | No | Yes
11 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP3-Updates | SLE11-SDK-SP3-Updates | No | Yes
12 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP4-Pool | SLE11-SDK-SP4-Pool | Yes | Yes
13 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP4-Updates | SLE11-SDK-SP4-Updates | Yes | Yes
14 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Pool | Yes | No
15 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Updates | Yes | No
16 | nu_novell_com:SLED11-Extras | SLED11-Extras | Yes | No
17 | nu_novell_com:SLED11-SP3-HP-BNB-Updates | SLED11-SP3-HP-BNB-Updates | Yes | No
18 | nu_novell_com:SLED11-SP3-Pool | SLED11-SP3-Pool | Yes | No
19 | nu_novell_com:SLED11-SP3-Updates | SLED11-SP3-Updates | Yes | No
20 | science | science | Yes | Yes
As you can see the SDK, NVIDIA etc got updated repositories listed. But SP4-Pool and SP4-Updates are not listed.
I am having HP machine with pre-loaded SLED 11.
is it feasible for you to install SLED11SP4 from scratch as a new installation rather than updating/upgrading?
this is what i did in my case. installation errors (if any) are easier to manage.
remember to have /home and other critical system folders you may need under a separate partition (or set a back-up) before re-partitioning & formatting.
is it feasible for you to install SLED11SP4 from scratch as a new installation rather than updating/upgrading?
As I have many specific software (research related) installed on my machine, some of which are in system directories, re-installation would
take lot of effort. It would be great if I could update to SP4 which will avoid re-installation of a large number of applications.