Fail to restore etcd snapshot


I am facing issues while restoring etcd snapshot on my RKE cluster. I have configured automated backups for my cluster by adding the below in cluster-config.yml

snapshot: true
creation: 1h
retention: 6h

The backup is created under “/opt/rke/etcd-snapshots” on all the etcd nodes. When I try to restore this backup on second rke cluster, I get the errors.

When I use the below command, the error is as below:

rke etcd snapshot-restore --config ./rancher2-cluster.yml --name

FATA[0030] [etcd] Failed to restore etcd snapshot: Failed to run etcd restore container, exit status is: 1, container logs: {“level”:“info”,“ts”:1599569577.2810502,“caller”:“snapshot/v3_snapshot.go:287”,“msg”:“restoring snapshot”,“path”:"/opt/rke/etcd-snapshots/",“wal-dir”:"/opt/rke/etcd-snapshots-restore/member/wal",“data-dir”:"/opt/rke/etcd-snapshots-restore/",“snap-dir”:"/opt/rke/etcd-snapshots-restore/member/snap"}
Error: snapshot missing hash but --skip-hash-check=false

And when I use this command:

rke etcd snapshot-restore --config ./rancher2-cluster.yml --name backup

FATA[0031] failed to start backup server on all etcd nodes: [Failed to run backup server container, container logs: time=“2020-09-08T13:02:15Z” level=fatal msg=“File [/backup/backup] not found in file [/backup/]”
Failed to run backup server container, container logs: time=“2020-09-08T13:02:22Z” level=fatal msg=“File [/backup/backup] not found in file [/backup/]”
Failed to run backup server container, container logs: time=“2020-09-08T13:02:28Z” level=fatal msg=“File [/backup/backup] not found in file [/backup/]”

I am using the below version of RKE on my cluster
rke version v1.1.5

Any help will be highly appreciated.

rke etcd snapshot-restore --config ./rancher2-cluster.yml --name backup should be the correct command.

Was the snapshot copied to all etcd nodes in the restored cluster?