I’ve written a script which will traverse a directory structure and generate directory listing of sorts with an md5sum. Here it is:
It runs great on Red Hat:
find . -printf "%p\\t%s\\t%M\\t%u\\t%g\\t%.24A+\\t%.24T+\\t%.24C+\\t" -a \\( -type d -exec echo \\; -o -type f -exec sh -c "md5sum {} | cut -d' ' -f1" \\; \\)
here’s one line of output:
./abc/11.5.0/sql/abc13.sql 1607 -rwxr-xr-x oraapp1 dba 2016-05-10+15:50:04 2002-10-25+16:00:57 2012-06-15+09:34:27 6714d4ba1f7ac762212b882ebdd46312
but … when I run on Suse Enterprise Server 9 (patch level 3) I get:
./abc/11.5.0/sql/abc13.sql 1607 M oraapp1 dba A+. T+. C+. 6714d4ba1f7ac762212b882ebdd46312
Anyone know how I can make the Suse line look like the RH line?
[QUOTE=FlyerFocus;33950]I’ve written a script which will traverse a directory structure and generate directory listing of sorts with an md5sum. Here it is:
It runs great on Red Hat:
find . -printf "%p\\t%s\\t%M\\t%u\\t%g\\t%.24A+\\t%.24T+\\t%.24C+\\t" -a \\( -type d -exec echo \\; -o -type f -exec sh -c "md5sum {} | cut -d' ' -f1" \\; \\)
here’s one line of output:
./abc/11.5.0/sql/abc13.sql 1607 -rwxr-xr-x oraapp1 dba 2016-05-10+15:50:04 2002-10-25+16:00:57 2012-06-15+09:34:27 6714d4ba1f7ac762212b882ebdd46312
but … when I run on Suse Enterprise Server 9 (patch level 3) I get:
./abc/11.5.0/sql/abc13.sql 1607 M oraapp1 dba A+. T+. C+. 6714d4ba1f7ac762212b882ebdd46312
Anyone know how I can make the Suse line look like the RH line?[/QUOTE]
I tried this on my openSUSE Leap 42.1 workstation and it works as per your Red Hat output. I’m guessing it’s related to versions of find available on Red Hat and SLES9 SP3, which is now very old and no longer supported. In the SLES9 output you can see “M”, “A+.”, “T+.”, and “C+.” where in the Red Hat output there is rights and dates.
Please can you post the output from “cat /etc/*-release; find --version” for both your Red Hat and SLES9 test servers.