Frech install of SLES12 SP1 and VLAN


i install a new Server and need VLAN - as example 410, 411, 560, 1060.

On SLES 11 i could give the name directly the ID. In SLES12 i must begin with vlan0.

I there a possibility to change it???


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Hi cssdresden,

[vlan config] In SLES12 i must begin with vlan0.

I cannot confirm this? When I create the configuration via yast, I can overwrite the configuration name (default is “vlan0”) by selecting the according field and entering the new name.

(I only tested via ncurses YaST, not via X11.)

What are your steps to create the VLAN interface?

Oh, and as a short-term solution, you could simply rename the /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan0 file…
