Hi guys,
Yesterday my Rancher cluster stopped working and I cannot figure out why.
So today, I provisioned a new fresh VM on Azure (2vcpu + 8GB Ubuntu 20) and tried to launch:
sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --privileged rancher/rancher
But here too, the container keeps restarting every 15 seconds. Here the log:
2021/08/01 18:25:38 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:25:38 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:25:38 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:25:38 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:25:40 [INFO] Waiting for k3s to start
2021/08/01 18:25:41 [INFO] Waiting for k3s to start
2021/08/01 18:25:42 [INFO] Waiting for k3s to start
2021/08/01 18:25:43 [INFO] Waiting for k3s to start
2021/08/01 18:25:45 [INFO] Creating CRD clusters.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD settings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD preferences.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD features.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterrepos.catalog.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD operations.catalog.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD apps.catalog.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Waiting for CRD apps.catalog.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD apps.catalog.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD authconfigs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD groupmembers.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD groups.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD tokens.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD userattributes.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD users.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Waiting for CRD users.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD users.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Waiting for CRD tokens.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:49 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD tokens.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:49 [INFO] Waiting for CRD userattributes.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:49 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD userattributes.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting API controllers
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=GroupMember controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Token controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Group controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=User controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=UserAttribute controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting /v1, Kind=Secret controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting /v1, Kind=ConfigMap controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRole controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting apiregistration.k8s.io/v1, Kind=APIService controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Role controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1, Kind=CustomResourceDefinition controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRoleBinding controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Setting controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=RoleBinding controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Feature controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Preference controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting /v1, Kind=Secret controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Cluster controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting catalog.cattle.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRepo controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Creating CRD fleetworkspaces.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Waiting for CRD fleetworkspaces.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Steve auth startup complete
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Refreshing all schemas
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD fleetworkspaces.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Running in single server mode, will not peer connections
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD catalogs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD apps.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Refreshing all schemas
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD apprevisions.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD catalogtemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD pipelineexecutions.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Binding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ComponentStatus
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ConfigMap
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Endpoints
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind LimitRange
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Namespace
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Node
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PersistentVolumeClaim
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PersistentVolume
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Pod
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PodTemplate
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ReplicationController
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ResourceQuota
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Secret
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ServiceAccount
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Service
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apiregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion extensions/v1beta1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind ControllerRevision
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind DaemonSet
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind Deployment
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind ReplicaSet
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind StatefulSet
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion events.k8s.io/v1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion events.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authentication.k8s.io/v1 Kind TokenReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind TokenReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind LocalSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SelfSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SelfSubjectRulesReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind LocalSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SelfSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SelfSubjectRulesReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v1 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v2beta1 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v2beta2 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion batch/v1 Kind Job
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion batch/v1beta1 Kind CronJob
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion certificates.k8s.io/v1 Kind CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind NetworkPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion policy/v1beta1 Kind PodDisruptionBudget
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion policy/v1beta1 Kind PodSecurityPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind Role
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Role
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 Kind CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion scheduling.k8s.io/v1 Kind PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion scheduling.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion coordination.k8s.io/v1 Kind Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion node.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind RuntimeClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind EndpointSlice
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind ClusterRepo
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind Operation
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind App
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion helm.cattle.io/v1 Kind HelmChartConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion helm.cattle.io/v1 Kind HelmChart
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion k3s.cattle.io/v1 Kind Addon
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind User
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Cluster
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Setting
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Feature
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Group
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Preference
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind UserAttribute
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind AuthConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind GroupMember
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Token
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind FleetWorkspace
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD catalogtemplateversions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD pipelinesettings.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusteralerts.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD pipelines.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD sourcecodecredentials.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusteralertgroups.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD sourcecodeproviderconfigs.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clustercatalogs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterloggings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusteralertrules.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD sourcecoderepositories.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clustermonitorgraphs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterregistrationtokens.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterroletemplatebindings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Waiting for CRD sourcecoderepositories.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterscans.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD composeconfigs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD dynamicschemas.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD etcdbackups.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD globalrolebindings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for certificates.k8s.io/v1, Kind=CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for networking.k8s.io/v1, Kind=NetworkPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Service
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=Deployment
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for catalog.cattle.io/v1, Kind=App
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for scheduling.k8s.io/v1, Kind=PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for coordination.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for storage.k8s.io/v1, Kind=VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for catalog.cattle.io/v1, Kind=Operation
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for policy/v1beta1, Kind=PodDisruptionBudget
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Preference
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Role
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=ReplicaSet
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=ReplicationController
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=FleetWorkspace
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for helm.cattle.io/v1, Kind=HelmChartConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=ServiceAccount
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apiextensions.k8s.io/v1, Kind=CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=User
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for policy/v1beta1, Kind=PodSecurityPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for storage.k8s.io/v1, Kind=CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1, Kind=MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=LimitRange
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Feature
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for networking.k8s.io/v1, Kind=IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Node
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for storage.k8s.io/v1, Kind=StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=ControllerRevision
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for catalog.cattle.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRepo
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1, Kind=EndpointSlice
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=PersistentVolume
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Setting
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for k3s.cattle.io/v1, Kind=Addon
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=PodTemplate
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Pod
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for batch/v1beta1, Kind=CronJob
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Cluster
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Secret
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for storage.k8s.io/v1, Kind=CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Event
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Endpoints
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=StatefulSet
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Group
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for networking.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Token
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for events.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Event
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for helm.cattle.io/v1, Kind=HelmChart
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=AuthConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for node.k8s.io/v1beta1, Kind=RuntimeClass
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Namespace
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=UserAttribute
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=ResourceQuota
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=DaemonSet
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=GroupMember
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apiregistration.k8s.io/v1, Kind=APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for batch/v1, Kind=Job
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for autoscaling/v2beta2, Kind=HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=ConfigMap
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=PersistentVolumeClaim
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD globalroles.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD kontainerdrivers.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD multiclusterapps.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD multiclusterapprevisions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD monitormetrics.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD nodedrivers.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD nodepools.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Refreshing all schemas
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD nodetemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Waiting for CRD sourcecoderepositories.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD nodes.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD notifiers.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD sourcecoderepositories.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Waiting for CRD pipelineexecutions.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD podsecuritypolicytemplateprojectbindings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD podsecuritypolicytemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectalerts.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectalertgroups.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectcatalogs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectloggings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectalertrules.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Refreshing all schemas
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectmonitorgraphs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectnetworkpolicies.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Binding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ComponentStatus
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ConfigMap
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Endpoints
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind LimitRange
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Namespace
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Node
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PersistentVolumeClaim
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PersistentVolume
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Pod
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PodTemplate
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ReplicationController
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ResourceQuota
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Secret
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ServiceAccount
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Service
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apiregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion extensions/v1beta1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind ControllerRevision
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind DaemonSet
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind Deployment
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind ReplicaSet
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind StatefulSet
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion events.k8s.io/v1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion events.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authentication.k8s.io/v1 Kind TokenReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind TokenReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind LocalSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SelfSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SelfSubjectRulesReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind LocalSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SelfSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SelfSubjectRulesReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v1 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v2beta1 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v2beta2 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion batch/v1 Kind Job
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion batch/v1beta1 Kind CronJob
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion certificates.k8s.io/v1 Kind CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind NetworkPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion policy/v1beta1 Kind PodDisruptionBudget
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion policy/v1beta1 Kind PodSecurityPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind Role
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Role
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 Kind CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion scheduling.k8s.io/v1 Kind PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion scheduling.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion coordination.k8s.io/v1 Kind Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion node.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind RuntimeClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind EndpointSlice
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind ClusterRepo
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind Operation
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind App
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion helm.cattle.io/v1 Kind HelmChartConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion helm.cattle.io/v1 Kind HelmChart
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion k3s.cattle.io/v1 Kind Addon
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterRegistrationToken
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind User
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterLogging
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Cluster
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Feature
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind UserAttribute
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind CatalogTemplateVersion
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind AuthConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind GroupMember
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Token
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterAlert
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Catalog
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterCatalog
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterAlertGroup
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterAlertRule
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Setting
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Group
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Preference
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind CatalogTemplate
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind FleetWorkspace
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterRoleTemplateBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterMonitorGraph
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterScan
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind PipelineExecution
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind App
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind Pipeline
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind SourceCodeCredential
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind PipelineSetting
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind AppRevision
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind SourceCodeProviderConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind SourceCodeRepository
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD pipelineexecutions.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Waiting for CRD pipelinesettings.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectroletemplatebindings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projects.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD rkek8ssystemimages.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD rkek8sserviceoptions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD rkeaddons.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD roletemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD cisconfigs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD cisbenchmarkversions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD samltokens.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD templates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD templateversions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD templatecontents.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD pipelinesettings.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Waiting for CRD pipelines.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD globaldnses.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD globaldnsproviders.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD clustertemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD clustertemplaterevisions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Waiting for CRD rkek8sserviceoptions.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD pipelines.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Waiting for CRD sourcecodecredentials.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:56 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD sourcecodecredentials.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:56 [INFO] Waiting for CRD sourcecodeproviderconfigs.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:56 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:25:59 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:25:59 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:25:59 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:25:59 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:05 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:09 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:10 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:10 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:10 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:10 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:17 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:21 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:22 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:22 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:22 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:22 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:28 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:32 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:33 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:33 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:33 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:33 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:38 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:42 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:43 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:43 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:43 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:43 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:48 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:53 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:54 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:54 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:54 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:54 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:59 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:04 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:05 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:05 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:05 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:05 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:12 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:16 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:17 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:17 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:17 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:17 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:24 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:28 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:29 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:29 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:29 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:29 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:35 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:40 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:41 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:41 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:41 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:41 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:47 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:52 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:53 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:53 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:53 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:53 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:57 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:02 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:28:03 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:28:03 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:28:03 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:28:03 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:28:12 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:17 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:28:18 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:28:18 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:28:18 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:28:18 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:28:27 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:31 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:28:32 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:28:32 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:28:32 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:28:32 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:28:42 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:46 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:28:47 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:28:47 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:28:47 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:28:47 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:28:55 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:59 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:00 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:00 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:00 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:00 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:08 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:29:13 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:14 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:14 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:14 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:14 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:21 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:29:26 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:27 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:27 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:27 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:27 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:34 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:29:38 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:39 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:39 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:39 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:39 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:44 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:29:48 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:49 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:49 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:49 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:49 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:57 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:01 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:02 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:02 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:02 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:02 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:30:10 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:14 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:15 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:15 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:15 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:15 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:30:24 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:28 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:29 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:29 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:29 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:29 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:30:39 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:43 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:44 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:44 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:44 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:44 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:30:50 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:54 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:55 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:55 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:55 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:55 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:01 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:05 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:06 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:06 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:06 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:06 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:12 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:16 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:17 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:17 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:17 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:17 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:23 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:27 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:28 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:28 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:28 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:28 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:33 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:37 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:39 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:39 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:39 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:39 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:45 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:49 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:50 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:50 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:50 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:50 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:55 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:00 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:01 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:01 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:01 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:01 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:09 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:13 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:14 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:14 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:14 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:14 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:20 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:24 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:25 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:25 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:25 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:25 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:31 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:35 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:36 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:36 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:36 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:36 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:42 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:46 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:47 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:47 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:47 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:47 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:55 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:59 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:00 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:00 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:00 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:00 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:05 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:33:09 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:10 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:10 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:10 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:10 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:18 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:33:23 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:24 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:24 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:24 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:24 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:33 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:33:37 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:39 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:39 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:39 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:39 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:47 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:33:51 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:52 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:52 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:52 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:52 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:58 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:03 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:04 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:04 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:04 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:04 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:34:07 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:11 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:12 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:12 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:12 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:12 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:34:21 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:25 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:26 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:26 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:26 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:26 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:34:35 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:39 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:40 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:40 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:40 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:40 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:34:50 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:54 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:55 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:55 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:55 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:55 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:01 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:35:05 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:35:06 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:35:06 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:35:06 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:35:06 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:16 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:35:21 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:35:22 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:35:22 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:35:22 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:35:22 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:28 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:35:32 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:35:33 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:35:33 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:35:33 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:33 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:35:42 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:35:46 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:35:47 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:35:47 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:35:47 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:35:47 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:57 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:01 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:02 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:02 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:02 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:02 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:36:08 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:12 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:13 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:13 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:13 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:13 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:36:18 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:23 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:24 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:24 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:24 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:24 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:36:30 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:34 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:35 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:35 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:35 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:35 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:36:44 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:48 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:49 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:49 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:49 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:49 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:25:38 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:25:38 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:25:38 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:25:38 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:25:40 [INFO] Waiting for k3s to start
2021/08/01 18:25:41 [INFO] Waiting for k3s to start
2021/08/01 18:25:42 [INFO] Waiting for k3s to start
2021/08/01 18:25:43 [INFO] Waiting for k3s to start
2021/08/01 18:25:45 [INFO] Creating CRD clusters.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD settings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD preferences.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD features.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterrepos.catalog.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD operations.catalog.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Creating CRD apps.catalog.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:47 [INFO] Waiting for CRD apps.catalog.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD apps.catalog.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD authconfigs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD groupmembers.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD groups.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD tokens.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD userattributes.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Creating CRD users.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Waiting for CRD users.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD users.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:48 [INFO] Waiting for CRD tokens.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:49 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD tokens.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:49 [INFO] Waiting for CRD userattributes.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:49 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD userattributes.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting API controllers
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=GroupMember controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Token controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Group controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=User controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=UserAttribute controller
2021/08/01 18:25:50 [INFO] Starting /v1, Kind=Secret controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting /v1, Kind=ConfigMap controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRole controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting apiregistration.k8s.io/v1, Kind=APIService controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Role controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1, Kind=CustomResourceDefinition controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRoleBinding controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Setting controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=RoleBinding controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Feature controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Preference controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting /v1, Kind=Secret controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Cluster controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Starting catalog.cattle.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRepo controller
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Creating CRD fleetworkspaces.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Waiting for CRD fleetworkspaces.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Steve auth startup complete
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Refreshing all schemas
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD fleetworkspaces.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:51 [INFO] Running in single server mode, will not peer connections
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD catalogs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD apps.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Refreshing all schemas
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD apprevisions.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD catalogtemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD pipelineexecutions.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Binding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ComponentStatus
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ConfigMap
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Endpoints
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind LimitRange
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Namespace
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Node
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PersistentVolumeClaim
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PersistentVolume
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Pod
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PodTemplate
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ReplicationController
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ResourceQuota
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Secret
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ServiceAccount
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Service
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apiregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion extensions/v1beta1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind ControllerRevision
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind DaemonSet
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind Deployment
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind ReplicaSet
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind StatefulSet
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion events.k8s.io/v1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion events.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authentication.k8s.io/v1 Kind TokenReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind TokenReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind LocalSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SelfSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SelfSubjectRulesReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind LocalSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SelfSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SelfSubjectRulesReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v1 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v2beta1 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v2beta2 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion batch/v1 Kind Job
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion batch/v1beta1 Kind CronJob
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion certificates.k8s.io/v1 Kind CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind NetworkPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion policy/v1beta1 Kind PodDisruptionBudget
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion policy/v1beta1 Kind PodSecurityPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind Role
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Role
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 Kind CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion scheduling.k8s.io/v1 Kind PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion scheduling.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion coordination.k8s.io/v1 Kind Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion node.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind RuntimeClass
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind EndpointSlice
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind ClusterRepo
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind Operation
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind App
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion helm.cattle.io/v1 Kind HelmChartConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion helm.cattle.io/v1 Kind HelmChart
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion k3s.cattle.io/v1 Kind Addon
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind User
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Cluster
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Setting
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Feature
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Group
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Preference
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind UserAttribute
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind AuthConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind GroupMember
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Token
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind FleetWorkspace
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD catalogtemplateversions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD pipelinesettings.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusteralerts.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD pipelines.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD sourcecodecredentials.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusteralertgroups.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD sourcecodeproviderconfigs.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clustercatalogs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterloggings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusteralertrules.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD sourcecoderepositories.project.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clustermonitorgraphs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterregistrationtokens.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterroletemplatebindings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Waiting for CRD sourcecoderepositories.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD clusterscans.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD composeconfigs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD dynamicschemas.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD etcdbackups.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:52 [INFO] Creating CRD globalrolebindings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for certificates.k8s.io/v1, Kind=CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for networking.k8s.io/v1, Kind=NetworkPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Service
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=Deployment
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for catalog.cattle.io/v1, Kind=App
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for scheduling.k8s.io/v1, Kind=PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for coordination.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for storage.k8s.io/v1, Kind=VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for catalog.cattle.io/v1, Kind=Operation
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for policy/v1beta1, Kind=PodDisruptionBudget
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Preference
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Role
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=ReplicaSet
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=ReplicationController
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=FleetWorkspace
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for helm.cattle.io/v1, Kind=HelmChartConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=ServiceAccount
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apiextensions.k8s.io/v1, Kind=CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=User
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for policy/v1beta1, Kind=PodSecurityPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for storage.k8s.io/v1, Kind=CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1, Kind=MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=LimitRange
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Feature
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for networking.k8s.io/v1, Kind=IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Node
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for storage.k8s.io/v1, Kind=StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=ControllerRevision
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for catalog.cattle.io/v1, Kind=ClusterRepo
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1, Kind=EndpointSlice
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=PersistentVolume
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Setting
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for k3s.cattle.io/v1, Kind=Addon
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=PodTemplate
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1, Kind=RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Pod
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for batch/v1beta1, Kind=CronJob
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Cluster
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Secret
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for storage.k8s.io/v1, Kind=CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Event
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1, Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Endpoints
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=StatefulSet
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Group
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for networking.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=Token
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for events.k8s.io/v1, Kind=Event
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for helm.cattle.io/v1, Kind=HelmChart
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=AuthConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for node.k8s.io/v1beta1, Kind=RuntimeClass
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=Namespace
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=UserAttribute
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=ResourceQuota
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apps/v1, Kind=DaemonSet
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for management.cattle.io/v3, Kind=GroupMember
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for apiregistration.k8s.io/v1, Kind=APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for batch/v1, Kind=Job
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for autoscaling/v2beta2, Kind=HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=ConfigMap
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Watching metadata for /v1, Kind=PersistentVolumeClaim
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD globalroles.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD kontainerdrivers.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD multiclusterapps.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD multiclusterapprevisions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD monitormetrics.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD nodedrivers.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD nodepools.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Refreshing all schemas
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD nodetemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Waiting for CRD sourcecoderepositories.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD nodes.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD notifiers.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD sourcecoderepositories.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Waiting for CRD pipelineexecutions.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:53 [INFO] Creating CRD podsecuritypolicytemplateprojectbindings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD podsecuritypolicytemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectalerts.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectalertgroups.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectcatalogs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectloggings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectalertrules.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Refreshing all schemas
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectmonitorgraphs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectnetworkpolicies.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Binding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ComponentStatus
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ConfigMap
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Endpoints
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind LimitRange
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Namespace
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Node
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PersistentVolumeClaim
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PersistentVolume
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Pod
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind PodTemplate
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ReplicationController
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ResourceQuota
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Secret
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind ServiceAccount
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion /v1 Kind Service
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apiregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind APIService
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion extensions/v1beta1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind ControllerRevision
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind DaemonSet
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind Deployment
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind ReplicaSet
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apps/v1 Kind StatefulSet
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion events.k8s.io/v1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion events.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Event
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authentication.k8s.io/v1 Kind TokenReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind TokenReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind LocalSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SelfSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SelfSubjectRulesReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind SubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind LocalSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SelfSubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SelfSubjectRulesReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind SubjectAccessReview
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v1 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v2beta1 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion autoscaling/v2beta2 Kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion batch/v1 Kind Job
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion batch/v1beta1 Kind CronJob
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion certificates.k8s.io/v1 Kind CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CertificateSigningRequest
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1 Kind NetworkPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind IngressClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Ingress
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion policy/v1beta1 Kind PodDisruptionBudget
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion policy/v1beta1 Kind PodSecurityPolicy
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 Kind Role
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ClusterRoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ClusterRole
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind RoleBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Role
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1 Kind VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CSIDriver
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CSINode
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind StorageClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind VolumeAttachment
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 Kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 Kind CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind CustomResourceDefinition
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion scheduling.k8s.io/v1 Kind PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion scheduling.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind PriorityClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion coordination.k8s.io/v1 Kind Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion coordination.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind Lease
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion node.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind RuntimeClass
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind EndpointSlice
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind ClusterRepo
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind Operation
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion catalog.cattle.io/v1 Kind App
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion helm.cattle.io/v1 Kind HelmChartConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion helm.cattle.io/v1 Kind HelmChart
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion k3s.cattle.io/v1 Kind Addon
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterRegistrationToken
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind User
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterLogging
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Cluster
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Feature
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind UserAttribute
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind CatalogTemplateVersion
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind AuthConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind GroupMember
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Token
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterAlert
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Catalog
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterCatalog
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterAlertGroup
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterAlertRule
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Setting
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Group
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind Preference
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind CatalogTemplate
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind FleetWorkspace
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterRoleTemplateBinding
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterMonitorGraph
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion management.cattle.io/v3 Kind ClusterScan
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind PipelineExecution
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind App
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind Pipeline
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind SourceCodeCredential
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind PipelineSetting
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind AppRevision
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind SourceCodeProviderConfig
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] APIVersion project.cattle.io/v3 Kind SourceCodeRepository
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD pipelineexecutions.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Waiting for CRD pipelinesettings.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projectroletemplatebindings.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD projects.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD rkek8ssystemimages.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD rkek8sserviceoptions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD rkeaddons.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD roletemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD cisconfigs.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD cisbenchmarkversions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD samltokens.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:54 [INFO] Creating CRD templates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD templateversions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD templatecontents.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD pipelinesettings.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Waiting for CRD pipelines.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD globaldnses.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD globaldnsproviders.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD clustertemplates.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Creating CRD clustertemplaterevisions.management.cattle.io
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Waiting for CRD rkek8sserviceoptions.management.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD pipelines.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:55 [INFO] Waiting for CRD sourcecodecredentials.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:56 [INFO] Done waiting for CRD sourcecodecredentials.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:56 [INFO] Waiting for CRD sourcecodeproviderconfigs.project.cattle.io to become available
2021/08/01 18:25:56 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:25:59 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:25:59 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:25:59 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:25:59 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:05 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:09 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:10 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:10 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:10 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:10 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:17 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:21 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:22 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:22 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:22 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:22 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:28 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:32 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:33 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:33 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:33 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:33 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:38 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:42 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:43 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:43 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:43 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:43 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:48 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:26:53 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:26:54 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:26:54 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:26:54 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:26:54 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:26:59 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:04 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:05 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:05 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:05 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:05 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:12 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:16 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:17 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:17 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:17 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:17 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:24 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:28 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:29 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:29 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:29 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:29 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:35 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:40 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:41 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:41 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:41 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:41 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:47 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:27:52 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:27:53 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:27:53 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:27:53 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:27:53 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:27:57 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:02 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:28:03 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:28:03 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:28:03 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:28:03 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:28:12 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:17 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:28:18 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:28:18 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:28:18 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:28:18 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:28:27 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:31 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:28:32 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:28:32 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:28:32 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:28:32 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:28:42 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:46 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:28:47 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:28:47 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:28:47 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:28:47 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:28:55 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:28:59 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:00 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:00 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:00 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:00 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:08 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:29:13 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:14 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:14 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:14 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:14 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:21 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:29:26 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:27 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:27 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:27 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:27 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:34 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:29:38 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:39 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:39 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:39 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:39 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:44 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:29:48 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:29:49 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:29:49 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:29:49 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:29:49 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:29:57 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:01 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:02 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:02 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:02 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:02 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:30:10 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:14 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:15 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:15 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:15 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:15 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:30:24 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:28 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:29 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:29 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:29 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:29 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:30:39 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:43 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:44 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:44 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:44 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:44 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:30:50 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:30:54 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:30:55 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:30:55 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:30:55 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:30:55 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:01 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:05 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:06 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:06 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:06 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:06 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:12 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:16 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:17 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:17 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:17 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:17 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:23 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:27 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:28 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:28 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:28 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:28 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:33 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:37 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:39 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:39 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:39 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:39 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:45 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:31:49 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:31:50 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:31:50 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:31:50 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:31:50 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:31:55 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:00 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:01 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:01 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:01 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:01 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:09 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:13 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:14 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:14 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:14 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:14 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:20 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:24 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:25 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:25 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:25 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:25 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:31 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:35 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:36 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:36 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:36 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:36 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:42 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:46 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:32:47 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:32:47 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:32:47 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:32:47 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:32:55 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:32:59 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:00 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:00 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:00 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:00 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:05 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:33:09 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:10 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:10 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:10 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:10 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:18 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:33:23 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:24 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:24 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:24 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:24 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:33 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:33:37 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:39 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:39 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:39 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:39 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:47 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:33:51 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:33:52 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:33:52 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:33:52 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:33:52 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:33:58 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:03 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:04 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:04 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:04 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:04 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:34:07 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:11 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:12 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:12 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:12 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:12 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:34:21 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:25 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:26 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:26 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:26 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:26 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:34:35 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:39 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:40 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:40 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:40 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:40 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:34:50 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:34:54 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:34:55 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:34:55 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:34:55 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:34:55 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:01 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:35:05 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:35:06 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:35:06 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:35:06 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:35:06 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:16 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:35:21 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:35:22 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:35:22 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:35:22 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:35:22 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:28 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:35:32 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:35:33 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:35:33 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:35:33 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:33 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:35:42 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:35:46 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:35:47 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:35:47 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:35:47 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:35:47 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:35:57 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:01 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:02 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:02 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:02 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:02 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:36:08 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:12 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:13 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:13 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:13 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:13 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:36:18 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:23 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:24 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:24 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:24 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:24 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:36:30 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:34 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:35 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:35 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:35 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:35 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:36:44 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:36:48 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:36:49 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:36:49 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:36:49 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:36:49 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
2021/08/01 18:36:57 [INFO] Waiting for server to become available: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/01 18:37:01 [FATAL] k3s exited with: exit status 1
2021/08/01 18:37:02 [INFO] Rancher version v2.5.9 (3c5418944) is starting
2021/08/01 18:37:02 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains:[] AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Agent:false Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2021/08/01 18:37:02 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2021/08/01 18:37:02 [INFO] Running etcd --data-dir=management-state/etcd --heartbeat-interval=500 --election-timeout=5000
Any ideas? I’m reading about some problems with a new kernel update, is it correct? So we have to wait for a fix? I don’t think that I can change the kernel version in an Azure VM.
Thanks in advance!