Fully automated API usage


I have a question about a workflow I am trying to implement and would like to know if I am missing something obvious:

I want to setup a Rancher instance using Ansible and would like to provision some resource right out of the box (e.g. NodeTemplates, Users).

I would like to use the API to do this - but after starting Rancher I would need to create an API token for this.
Is there any way I can get an API token without using the web UI?

I would very much like to not having to resort to selenium or pupeteer to get this working.

Thanks a lot for any pointers.

Best regards,


Our quickstart shows both Terraform and bash script examples: https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/quick-start-guide/ and https://github.com/rancher/quickstart

Ah yes - in the Vagrant Quickstart guide the login to the v3-public endpoint was exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks a lot!