GFORTRAN install

Hullo, I’m working on a SLES 11 SP3 system, with the gfortran 4.7 compiler.

I’d like to update gfortran to one of the latest releases (6 or 7).

Could anyone tell me step by step what I should do for the installation, and all the related dependencies issues?

Thank you very much.


On 28/07/17 13:24, vial213 wrote:

Hullo, I’m working on a SLES 11 SP3 system, with the gfortran 4.7

I’d like to update gfortran to one of the latest releases (6 or 7).

Could anyone tell me step by step what I should do for the installation,
and all the related dependencies issues?

Thank you very much.[/color]

Firstly please note that SLES11 SP3 is no longer supported by SUSE with
the latest SLES11 release SLES11 SP4 and the latest SLES release being

Checking my test servers I believe the latest version of GNU Fortran
available for SLES11 SP3 is 4.7 (or 4.8 for later releases) through the
corresponding Software Development Kit (SDK).

However with SLES12 SUSE introduced the Modules and Extensions with one
being the Toolchain Module precisely to provide later versions of
compilers - see
… This provides GNU Fortran 5.3.1 and 6.2.1 and I expect in due course
will provide 7.x.

Basically if you want a later and supported version of GNU Fortran you
should upgrade your server to SLES12 SP2.


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Not possible to look at updating the whole system to a supported release?

There is a build on OBS, totally unsupported etc at;

Repository here;

Backup your system before adding this repo and installing gcc6, fortran etc.

Not possible to look at updating the whole system to a supported release?

There is a build on OBS, totally unsupported etc at;

Repository here;

Backup your system before adding this repo and installing gcc6, fortran etc.[/QUOTE]

Hullo Malcom, thanks for your replay.
For the moment I don’t have the possibility to update the OS.
But… which of these rpm packages should I install (and in which order)…?


[QUOTE=vial213;38900]Hullo Malcom, thanks for your replay.
For the moment I don’t have the possibility to update the OS.
But… which of these rpm packages should I install (and in which order)…?

If you add the repository via YaST (or zypper) then install gcc6-fortran it will pull in dependencies.

For example via zypper;

zypper ar -f -g -n "SLE-11-SP3-gcc6" repo-gcc6
zypper ref
zypper -vvvv in gcc6-fortran

The -vvvv will add verbosity so you can see what it’s going to do, then can make a choice to accept, any potential errors etc…

If you add the repository via YaST (or zypper) then install gcc6-fortran it will pull in dependencies.

For example via zypper;

zypper ar -f -g -n "SLE-11-SP3-gcc6" repo-gcc6
zypper ref
zypper -vvvv in gcc6-fortran

The -vvvv will add verbosity so you can see what it’s going to do, then can make a choice to accept, any potential errors etc…[/QUOTE]

Thank you very much Malcom.
The last step with zypper gave me an error, but I was finally able to install gfortran-6 using yast.