Grafana monitoring external access


Is it possible, in some way or through configuration, to give access to the grafana portal so that other users can access through their active directory user?

@limkin You can configure Rancher to use AD to authenticate users: Configure Active Directory (AD) | Rancher

Yes, I know. We have rancher configured with LDAP. My question was if is possible give external access to the graffana dashboard like other services.

Now, we have to login in rancher and then navigate monitoring menu to access graffana.

As this grafana instance is only for monitoring the cluster, I would not use it for other purposes and limit access to rancher users.

For anything else, just spin up a fresh grafana install ( they offer nice helm charts) .

Of course you could an ingress pointing to your rancher-monitoring-grafana service to make visible outside. But you should be aware that you may be exposing sensitive informations, so get your access control right.