GraphicsMagick requires libwmflite, which is not provided

Hi, I am new to SUSE and i want to install the GraphicsMagick package on SLES 12, using the instructions found at

Add repository and install manually
(I try SLE 12 SP3 Backports YMP but there is a lot repos invalid and looks like the same result by manually)

I try to google some solution
and found this post similar but different dependency
and this one is SLES15 version

so I don’t know how to install GraphicsMagick with Add-On Libraries.

Any advice is welcome.


cat /etc/os-release NAME="SLES" VERSION="12-SP4" VERSION_ID="12.4" PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4" ID="sles" ANSI_COLOR="0;32" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:suse:sles:12:sp4"

Following those instructions, I get this error:

[CODE]zypper addrepo
Adding repository ‘Graphics Project (SLE_12_SP3_Backports)’ …[done]
Repository ‘Graphics Project (SLE_12_SP3_Backports)’ successfully added

Enabled : Yes
GPG Check : Yes
Autorefresh : No
Priority : 99 (default priority)

Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.

zypper refresh
Repository ‘SLES12-SP4-Pool’ is up to date.
Repository ‘SLES12-SP4-Updates’ is up to date.
Retrieving repository ‘Graphics Project (SLE_12_SP3_Backports)’ metadata ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[|]

New repository or package signing key received:

Repository: Graphics Project (SLE_12_SP3_Backports)
Key Name: graphics OBS Project
Key Fingerprint: 4B9E37E2 BED9C972 5FAD399D 55E7BAF9 4F311B1D
Key Created: Wed Oct 4 22:51:40 2017
Key Expires: Fri Dec 13 22:51:40 2019
Rpm Name: gpg-pubkey-4f311b1d-59d4f57c

Do you want to reject the key, trust temporarily, or trust always? [r/t/a/? shows all options] (r): t
Retrieving repository ‘Graphics Project (SLE_12_SP3_Backports)’ metadata …[done]
Building repository ‘Graphics Project (SLE_12_SP3_Backports)’ cache …[done]
All repositories have been refreshed.

zypper install GraphicsMagick
Refreshing service ‘SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP4_x86_64’.
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
Resolving package dependencies…

Problem: nothing provides needed by libGraphicsMagick-Q16-3-1.3.31-124.4.x86_64
Solution 1: do not install GraphicsMagick-1.3.31-124.4.x86_64
Solution 2: break libGraphicsMagick-Q16-3-1.3.31-124.4.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c):
Where can I get
also, I want to ask is SLES 12 SP4 can use SLES 12 SP3 repos?


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I found the way,
Install GraphicsMagick from source code,
using the following step:

zypper in gcc
zypper in gcc-c++

#download what you wanna support from
#and install by following:(change the directory if need)
tar xvf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
cd zlib*
make install

tar xvf libpng-1.6.36.tar.gz
cd libpng*
make install

tar xvf jpegsrc.v9c.tar.gz
cd jpegsrc*
make install

tar xvf tiff-4.0.10.tar.gz
cd tiff*
make install

#install GraphicsMagick
tar xvf GraphicsMagick-1.3.31.tar.gz
cd GraphicsMagick*
make install

#reload ldconfig

#gm version check
gm version