Healthcheck stuck in a loop


I am trying to add hosts to rancher server. But healthcheck is stuck in a loop.

Host OS: Container Linux by CoreOS 1632.3.0 (Ladybug)
Docker: 17.09.1-ce
Rancher Server: latest

My guess is the problem of UDP ports 500 and 4500. Hosts probably cannot talk to each other. But I don’t know how to fix it. It seems to me that UDP ports are already opened.

My firewall also opened these ports.

sudo iptables -L -n
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     udp  --              udp dpt:4500
ACCEPT     udp  --              udp dpt:500
14/03/2018 08:57:35time="2018-03-13T21:57:35Z" level=info msg="healthCheck -- no changes in haproxy config\n"
14/03/2018 08:57:36time="2018-03-13T21:57:36Z" level=error msg="Failed to report status fccb1ba1-bb03-4984-adc2-f71290f78bf0_53c2f9f2-9f2d-42f9-ad7b-b9363838a8f7_1=DOWN: Bad response from [], statusCode [409]. Status [409 Conflict]. Body: [{\"id\":\"2d8c3082-1d4a-4a0b-b36b-abe71109e98a\",\"type\":\"error\",\"links\":{},\"actions\":{},\"status\":409,\"code\":\"Conflict\",\"message\":\"Conflict\",\"detail\":null,\"baseType\":\"error\"}]"
14/03/2018 08:57:36time="2018-03-13T21:57:36Z" level=error msg="Failed to report status fccb1ba1-bb03-4984-adc2-f71290f78bf0_3ce40af1-86ff-48b9-8831-3fdcc67df508_1=DOWN: Bad response from [], statusCode [409]. Status [409 Conflict]. Body: [{\"id\":\"79141003-f500-404c-88b0-c998a7c89c0e\",\"type\":\"error\",\"links\":{},\"actions\":{},\"status\":409,\"code\":\"Conflict\",\"message\":\"Conflict\",\"detail\":null,\"baseType\":\"error\"}]"

The problem is something to do with my private network setup. It worked on a new instance with no private network.