Hello Everyone,
I have an environment where services are NOT receiving health checks, I run a simple nginx:latest containter add a health check on port 80 and even though the services work, it is forever stuck in “Initializing”. I’ve read the documentation and understand that agents on other hosts in the environment will do the Health checks. Problem is in the log I don’t see any health checks being done.
I am aware that this might be a networking problem and I’ve flushed my firewall and restarted the docker-engine to be on the safe side, but still I get the failing tests.
How can I troubleshoot this? could some test be doing from the shell inside a container? or something else to check?
I’ve read https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/2516 but gotten nowhere.
Any help is appreciated.
Rancher v1.1.0
Cattle v0.165.4
User Interface v1.1.12
Rancher Compose v0.8.5
Debian Jessie on Bare Metal.