Host Setup (Other) - GCE


I’m trying to setup a new host using “Other” with “google” driver. After selected the driver, I found there are options that I need to input for provisioning instances but I couldn’t find the authentication information excepts GCE username. I’m not sure how this will work but I’m thinking if I could install gcloud sdk on docker host machine or on Rancher server machine (docker container) and use google service account for GCE authentication then Rancher server will be able to provision an instance via gcloud sdk.

I’ve searched and read the Rancher document on “” but could not find information about GCE setup or maybe I missed some specific parts. I’d like to ask if there are any guide on setting up GCE instance with Rancher.

Thanks in advance,


Since it’s not in the interface yet, I’ve used docker machine to create the host, since it also installs docker, then manually run the the host install command.

You can get the Rancher install command from ‘custom’ in the hosts tab.

Here is a docker-machine command to create a host. In this case you need it.

machine create --driver google
–google-project MY-PROJECT
–google-zone GOOGLE-ZONE
–google-machine-type MACHINE-TYPE
–google-disk-size DISK-SIZE-IN-MEGABYTES
–google-tags rancher-host ADD-OTHER-TAGS

Here is a better solution using docker-machine to ensure you install docker 1.10.3 on ubuntu 14.04

machine create --driver google
–engine-install-url “
–google-machine-image “
–google-project PROJECTID
–google-zone us-central1-f
–google-machine-type n1-standard-1
–google-disk-size 200
–google-tags rancher-host,http-server,https-server