How do I add an online_update icon to YaST

OK so first off, I’m really new to Linux. My *UX background is HP-UX (for quite a few years) and I must say I’m surprised that SLES is so different from the Unix that I’m used to.
I’ve just installed a 60 day evaluation of SLES 11 SP2 that I want to run as a Xen server and have just (successfully) run Online Update for the first time.

I stumbled at an early hurdle in that the documentation said to run it from YaST, however it was nowhere to be seen in YaST(2). In the end I ran ‘yast2 online_update’ from the command line and that worked a treat.

My question (hopefully an easy one) is: how do I add an ‘Online Update’ icon to the ‘Software’ section of yast2?

Many thanks,


[QUOTE=dn312sr;12537]OK so first off, I’m really new to Linux. My *UX background is HP-UX (for quite a few years) and I must say I’m surprised that SLES is so different from the Unix that I’m used to.
I’ve just installed a 60 day evaluation of SLES 11 SP2 that I want to run as a Xen server and have just (successfully) run Online Update for the first time.

I stumbled at an early hurdle in that the documentation said to run it from YaST, however it was nowhere to be seen in YaST(2). In the end I ran ‘yast2 online_update’ from the command line and that worked a treat.

My question (hopefully an easy one) is: how do I add an ‘Online Update’ icon to the ‘Software’ section of yast2?

Many thanks,

Hi and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Do you mean the one circled in the image?

If so, this is yast2-update but if you use to the command line, then there is also the ‘zypper’ command to perform package install, update etc.

Hi Malcolm,

Thanks for your response.

Yes, I do mean the icon that you circled, however I’m not familiar with zypper.



So you can install that via the sofetware management and should
appear :wink:

If you open a terminal, su - (don’t forget the - so you get root users
environment) and then can run zypper commands, eg;

zypper ref (to refresh repositories)
zypper lu (to list updates)
zypper lr (to list repositories)
man zypper (the man pages)

If you google on zypper cheatsheet there are some pdf’s from the
openSUSE side that are a good reference.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
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