How to get help on rancher?

Is there another medium somewhere to get help on this?

These forums have proved to be little help to the two teams we have working on implementing this at my company.

We run openebs in our stand-alone clusters w/o issue but can’t get it working within rancher.

This is a show-stopper for us.

Rancher 2.x is really recent… so community is currently getting experience over the solution… I’m pretty sure that you could get corporate support subscription by contacting rancher directly…

beside issue tracking over github(… I didn’t have any other medium to recommend…

I didn’t play with openebs/longhorn enough to be of any help over your issue…

But as any new solution, been an early adopter is rarely the easiest road… have you take a look at rancher 1.6? a lot more people as experience over it…


Yea unfortunately I can’t get my company to spring for support during a proof of concept phase. I’m trying to get my org on board with using a kube distro like this vs. the ones we’ve build in house.

Rancher Slack channel is a great place to get help:

How about having a word with your Rancher account manager. You don’t need to have a contract in place before that and in my experience their pre-sales technical support is excellent. They will certainly be able to help you get a PoC delivered and focus on the key messages that you want to evidence. If Rancher is something you are considering strategically, it’s well worth getting direct support. We found it to be a huge time saver as well as dealing with areas where internal expertise is still developing.