How to install Rancher 2.x on Kops kubernetes cluster

I have a KOPS kubernetes cluster and I want to install rancher on my Kops kubernetes cluster.
Could you please help me with some reference material or any training which explains how I can install the Rancher on kops cluster.

Rancher is installed via a helm chart. So, it is a relatively standard procedure.

Note that at this time we only officially support installing rancher on RKE and K3s clusters, but this is primarily because we known/understand/control the backup, restore, and upgrade scenarios on those cluster types. So, you can install on a KOPS cluster, it just isn’t officially supported and your are on your own for bkacup, restore, and upgrade of the underlying cluster.

All that said, our existing documentation for installing Rancher should help you along since its all pretty standard Helm install stuff:

Thanks Craig,

I need one more information what is difference between Rancher server image (image: rancher/server:v2.0.0-alpha7) and and Rancher container image (image: rancher/rancher:latest), i was looking at the below link which shows how we can have the Rancher server on kubernetes using persistence volume.


rancher/server is v1.x (and some early 2.x work that has no relation to the current 2.x releases). You want rancher/rancher.

Thanks Vincent.

I have Nginx Ingress with load balancer installed on my kubernetes, as part of the Rancher installation using Helm below are the instructions. We need to set hostname to DNS. So instead of creating a new Load Balancer and DNS name, is it possible to use the Ingress to route the request to Rancher and access the Rancher. If yes, how we can do?

helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
  --namespace cattle-system \
  --set hostname=[](


The default for the chart creates an ingress rule which will get picked up by your ingress controller. It does for create a (service of type) LoadBalancer.

Thanks Vincent.
So what I need to pass as hostname for the helm install command below,

helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
  --namespace cattle-system \
  --set hostname=[](

if i don’t pass the hostname parameter i am getting error saying “Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: error validating “”: error validating data: ValidationError(Ingress.spec.tls[0].hosts): unknown object type “nil” in Ingress.spec.tls[0].hosts[0]”

Please help me with this installation.
