How to ssh into a host

I created some hosts with Rancher, but now I need to be able to access the hosts to change the Docker config to support things like insecure registry.

So I downloaded the machine config, which was a named like a *.tar.gz, but was really just a tar. Was this on purpose?.

Anyway there a bunch of files in there, but I need a keypair. I tried the one in the config file, but I don’t know the pass phrase and really, I don’t know the username.

Please, advise.

This part of the docs should help.

Note: root may be different based on what OS you launch. For example, for RancherOS, it’s usually rancher.

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This can help How to SSH into RancherOS instances created in AWS via the UI

I updated the link @nlhkh

someone wrote a brew formula to do that from your own computer: